【PC/汉化】吹弹!丰盈!波涛汹涌!异世界魔法学园! / もっと!孕ませ!炎のおっぱい異世界エロ魔法学園!

【PC/汉化】吹弹!丰盈!波涛汹涌!异世界魔法学园! / もっと!孕ませ!炎のおっぱい異世界エロ魔法学園!

主人公匠 炎厨矢(たくみ かずや)是网络上的18X小说投稿网站『起点工口小说网(译注:此处为捏他日本起点网「小説家になろう」……)』投稿异世界18X架空轻小说的学生。





もっと!孕ませ!炎のおっぱい異世界超エロ♥サキュバス学園! (吹弹!丰盈!波涛汹涌!异世界魔法学园!)

发行日期: 2021-04-30 | 限制级: 是 | 开发商: みるくふぁくとりー

「吹弹!丰盈!波涛汹涌!异世界魔法学园!」是一部科幻视觉小说。游戏中,随着主线故事的不断推进,来到异世界的主人公”匠 炎厨矢“会完成各种各样的任务,并且攻略各具魅力的女主角们。"

主角:匠 炎厨矢 他是威世海学院的一名学生。常年患有中二病的他有这么一个雄心壮志——在网络****投稿网站“成为****家吧!”上投稿****,并且被动画化,然后成为畅销****作家,称霸****界。某一天,


エルゼ・イヴ・ディアンタ (暂无译名)

CV: 日向 結希

The Cte Idot Hgh Elf Oppa Sccs!//
Farench Deshka Academy Second Year
Sccs Magc Archery Cl Memer

•Bst: 117 cm ~「Darlng, s ths sffcent?」
•Npples: 5 mm (Length) ~「Is t fne f they get gger?」
•Areolae: 35 mm (Dameter) ~「They're gger? Case yo play wth them every day, Darlng♥」
•Wast: 57cm ~「How s t, Darlng?」
•Hps: 87 cm ~「Is t good enogh for ay makng now?」
•Thghs: 44 cm (Crcmference) ~「Nce and smooth for yo, Darlng♥」
•Vagna: 4.0 cm (Overall span) ~「Darlng, It s ready and OK to make aes♥」

The daghter of the cheftan of the Danta tre. She s a hgh elf sccs and n the same grade as the rl=/c94631protagonst/rl . The dark elf,rl=/c94624QnQn/rl, s her chldhood frend and rval. (Lke her and QnQn, oth of ther mothers are rvals wth each other). Becase of that, they often qarrel over the protagonst's attenton.

Her personalty s energetc and cte (althogh she s extremely kltzy and dm-wtted). Regardng her stpdty, she cases many explosons or sometmes smmons ncontrollale easts n class.

She ecame nterested n the protagonst mmedately after he appeared. Lkely ecase her sccs lood s thcker than her elf lood. Else s desperate to make a chld wth hm ecase they are at the rght age to have one. However, snce her knowledge of ay makng s s chld-lke, she gets emarrassed when she wants to practce for real.

Her cl actvtes nvolve magc archery ecase she has great talent wth a ow. In addton, her cl s at the same ste as QnQn's magc shootng cl; the ferce rvalry etween the hgh and dark elf contnes there.

Else s prod of her eatfl P Cp oos.

rl=/c95108Frs/rl-Sense's Comment/
Unlke yor normal ehavor, yor sklls are very good. It's very dffclt to pll off lewd orgasm faces, t lets do or est wth yor teacher♪/

キュンキュン・ナ・オルガナイト (暂无译名)

CV: 高村 優里

The Seros and Dgnfed Dark Elf Oppa Sccs!//
Farench Deshka Academy Second Year
Sccs Magc Shootng Cl Memer

•Bst: 123 cm ~「I'm glad they are gger than hers/♥」
•Npples: 5 mm (Length) ~「Do yo thnk t has the same nole color as my rown skn?」
•Areolae: 38 mm (Dameter) ~「I lke the shape wth t lgng a lttle.」
•Wast: 59 cm ~「Mantanng the style of sccs s also a skll.」
•Hps: 91 cm ~「I-It's not gettng any gger! Stop Starng!」
•Thghs: 49 cm (Crcmference) ~「Ah! Don't jst go tochng these lke a east!」
•Vagna: 4.4 cm (Overall span) ~「I've ecome senstve ecase yo teach me a lot!」

The daghter of the chef of the Olgante tre (her mother s the chef). She s a dark elf sccs and s n the same year as the rl=/c94631protagonst/rl.

She s seros and nflexle (she takes the protagonst's drty jokes serosly). Her rval and frend of another elf tre, rl=/c94625Else/rl, s n the same year. Both of them get n jealos qarrels over the new man who came from another world.

Her cl actvtes nvolve the Farench Deshka magc shootng cl, she s ale to move arond qckly and shoot wth pnpont accracy whle del weldng pstols. She s constantly frstrated y the protagonst snce hs deals devate so mch from her own, t she pts p for t ecase she desres to e wth a hero wth hgh amonts of magc power from another world. That s a legend that has een passed down the Olgante tre for a long tme.

She wants to have a chld wth the protagonst so she can leave ehnd strong offsprng, t she s scared and worred y what a new challenge that s. However, when she s qckly sexally harassed y hm, her desres are awakened. Becase of her strong warror-lke personalty, she has receved rdal tranng from her mother so that she can do hosework.

Her oos are great, rown R cps. She s workng on a det to decrease the growth of her tt, whch grows greatly as a sccs ages.

rl=/c95108Frs/rl-Sense's Comment/
It seems yo are dong yor est on yor tt det. It s dffclt to treat **** medcnally, do yor est to overcome t./

シャルティーナ・ルイトガルト (暂无译名)

CV: 花澤 さくら

The Sweet Lttle Sster Oppa Sccs!//
Farench Deshka Academy Frst Year
Sccs Gymnastcs Cl Memer

•Bst: 125 cm ~「For Senpa's sake, they wll keep growng♥」
•Npples: -4 mm (Length, Inverted) ~「They are very shy.」
•Areolae: 40 mm (Dameter) ~「Snce Senpa came, they've een gettng gger.」
•Wast: 55 cm ~「I lke t when Senpa hgs me here.」
•Hps: 82 cm ~「What knd of tt do yo lke, Senpa?」
•Thghs: 46 cm (Crcmference) ~「Are they gettng gger? That's emarrassng.」
•Vagna: 3.9 cm (Overall span) ~「I'm gong to mmedately spol Senpa's pens♥」

Chaltna s seros, qet, and shy. She s one of the Ltgard famly half-ssters, eng the yonger half-sster of a sccs named rl=/c64054Lyda/rl (same father, dfferent mother).*
*Polygamy s legal n Llngard t seems.

She s not good at commncatng wth others and s nervos when n plc. Chaltna started feelng nervos arond the rl=/c94631protagonst/rl, t recently has felt emarrassed aot eng spoled y hm every day drng daly reast knshp magc replenshment (t seems her magc power consmpton s ntense de to her consttton. She receves a daly kss rotne from protagonst, who s energetc enogh to replensh her magc. Magc can also e replenshed wth resale magc ors fond throghot the school t the kssng opton s a lot etter).

Frthermore, she s worred aot how easly her reasts lactate. She'll prodce reast mlk f she gets excted or makes a mstake. It seems the protagonst always gets excted when he sees her nform get all wet from reast mlk whle she apologzes. Her mother sed to e a famos gymnast n the world of scc. Chaltna has nherted ths skll and s n the school's gymnastcs cl.

Her oos are T cp szed wth eatfl nverted npples. They are a joy to see when one vsts her at gymnastcs cl.

rl=/c95108Frs/rl-Sense's Comment/
Inverted npples are jst shy, so let me gve yo some specal tranng! Let's get yor oos to grow more lewdly./

鷲宮 鷹美 (暂无译名)

CV: 笹本 菜津枝

The Tsndere Class Presdent Oppa Sccs!//
Farench Deshka Academy Second Year
Second Year Class Presdent

•Bst: 122 cm ~「Y-Yo're commttng a crme wth yor eyes.」
•Npples: -7 mm (Length, Inverted) ~「It's a lttle emarrassng arond everyone.」
•Areolae: 40 mm (Dameter) ~「As class presdent, s t ok for ths to get gger?」
•Wast: 57 cm ~「How s my wast?」
•Hps: 88 cm ~「I'm not confdent on the shape of my tt.」
•Thghs: 48 cm (Crcmference) ~「Alrght, I'll sqeeze yo etween them.」
•Vagna: 4.1 cm (Overall span) ~「It feels lke t's een very senstve recently.」

A seros, grmpy, tsndere class presdent sccs. She has excellent grades and academc achevements, t she s storn and confsed arond sexal acts wth the opposte sex.

Both her parents are school teachers, so she has a greater sense of the rles than anyone else. She wll dscplne anyone who reaks the rles, and the rl=/c94631protagonst/rl s a man volator (he atomatcally peeps nsde grl's skrts).*
*Not wearng pantes s part of the school rles, t t s a volaton to peep and flp skrts.

She looks at the protagonst as part of the ologcal herarchy and nothng more, t snce she has never een n the same school wth oys, she has prolems hdng her ncreasng ldo. For the tme eng, she has receved sexal edcaton from her sccs mother t she has never toched a man's pens efore. She looks at the protagonst wth lstfl eyes. Becase of these nternal contradctons, she ecomes clmsy and awkward when searchng throgh hs elongngs.

She has a smlar name to the protagonst and rl=/c94620Mako/rl, t she s not from ther world (There seems to e a contry n Yggdrasl where ctzens go y ther famly name frst mch lke Japan). Takam s talented at ce magc.

Her oos are gant S Cps wth nverted npples. She may look down on others t her npples are shy!

rl=/c95108Frs/rl-Sense's Comment/
It seems the class presdent s dong her est♪ Please learn to e more lewd so yo may e known as "lewd presdent"./

ファム (暂无译名)

CV: 井上 みゆ

The Vrgn Berserker Oppa Sccs!//
Farench Deshka Academy Frst Year

•Bst: 131 cm ~「Master, are we dong oo tranng today as well?♥」
•Npples: 12 mm (Length) ~「Master? How s ths?」
•Areolae: 34 mm (Dameter) ~「Master, don't pnch♥」
•Wast: 60 cm ~「Is t to yor lkng, Master?」
•Hps: 94 cm ~「It eng a t g s a lttle emarrassng.」
•Thghs: 48 cm (Crcmference) ~「They are not fat.」
•Vagna: 3.9 cm (Overall span) ~「Master says t s very tght♥」

A erserker vrgn sccs created y an old scc cvlzaton over 1000 years ago. Frst year stdent.

The rl=/c94631protagonst/rl accdentally actvated the erserker, who was asleep n a corner of the school. The rl=/c94659drector/rl of the school entrsts hm wth managng her (t s a mracle that he actvated her snce only a female shold have een ale to awaken her). Once she s awakened, she recognzes the protagonst as her master. She has the same hmanod ody strctre lke any person, t she s powered solely y perverted desre.

Pham has a seros personalty, t s very knd and gentle. She always takes care of the protagonst and s devoted to e hs sheld. The war of the old sccs cvlzaton ended efore she cold e deployed n attle, so she was pt n sleep mode. There s no prolems wth her motor fnctons after wakng p, t her knowledge of sexal skll has jst een ntalzed. She s tryng to otan tre fncton as a sccs wth edcaton from the protagonst (She does have qrky aspects of her personalty as well).

Her magc skll s extremely powerfl and has talent wth explosve magc. Bt she s too powerfl and caton s taken when she s arond the protagonst. It seems she gets along very well wth rl=/c94628Sopha/rl, who s also a frst year.

Orgnally, she was wearng an eye mask at the tme of actvaton de to an actve magc skll. Bt wth the help of the magc spell ook, her skll wll not e actvated when she takes t off (Ths skll makes the opposte sex mmedately horny throgh eye contact alone. She wears a lndfold whle ths skll s actve ecase t ses a lot of magc power).

Her oos are U Cps made wth the latest technology! They are soft and elastc even when wearng her attle st!

rl=/c95108Frs/rl-Sense's Comment/
Yo're very good at eng lewd, t please try to e more maden-lke for men so that yo can have sex wthot reakng them./

ソフィア・フォン・マナグラス (暂无译名)

CV: 八ッ橋 きなこ

The Sweet Vampre Oppa Sccs!//
Farench Deshka Academy Frst Year

•Bst: 98 cm ~「Are yo fne wth these gettng gger?」
•Npples: 0.8 mm (Length) ~「The small sze s cte, sn't t?」
•Areolae: 25 mm (Dameter) ~「If t gets too g, t wll e erotc.」
•Wast: 52 cm ~「Yo want a small wast♥」
•Hps: 75 cm ~「m, t's fne for me to get a lttle gger here?」
•Thghs: 36 cm (Crcmference) ~「My thghs★how are they?」
•Vagna: 3.5 cm (Overall span) ~「Becase my ody s small, over here s small too?」

A frst year sccs at Farench Deshka Academy. She s also a vampre.

When the rl=/c94631protagonst/rl went to the nfrmary and went to ed, he nknowngly crawled nto the same ed as Sopha. Snce sleepng n the nfrmary, he has had more opportntes to spend tme wth her. She s qet, nnocent, and can e a lttle selfsh.

She hals from a famos vampre clan, her mother eng a vampre and her father eng an ncs. She was rased lke a prncess, so she s a t naïve. Becase of her vampre consttton, she s more actve at nght and sleeps n class drng the day. De to ths, daytme actvty drans a lot of her energy and has to e replenshed wth ksses (she lkes to kss the protagonst over the academy's magc replenshment ors). However, when her magc energy gets replenshed, she goes n heat de to her sccs lood.

Sopha acts cool and dstant from the protagonst, t gets mad when he gnores her and s not gettng spoled. She also lkes talkng to hm aot the world he came from, often spendng tme lstenng to hm tell stores aot lfestyle and entertanment not fond n Yggdrasl.

Her oos are stll developng J Cps!

rl=/c95108Frs/rl-Sense's Comment/
Snce yo nherted the lood of a vampre, yo shold e ale to sck ot a lot of semen. Lets mprove yor erecton accontng and stdy the natonal sckng langage♪/

ロザリナ・ラファエロス (暂无译名)

CV: 米島 希

The Domneerng Ojo-sama Oppa Sccs!//
Farench Deshka Academy Thrd Year
Sccs XO Tenns Cl Memer

•Bst: 120 cm ~「D-Don't make them grow wthot my consent!」
•Npples: 4 mm (Length) ~「Ths s for aes....Not for yo to drnk!」
•Areolae: 37 mm (Dameter) ~「They got a t gger thanks to yor actons.」
•Wast: 58 cm ~「hehe, are yo charmed y my wast?」
•Hps: 88 cm ~「Y-Yo're so vlgar! Don't jst mpose yorself here.」
•Thghs: 45 cm (Crcmference)~「Please stop starng at me wth drty eyes. I mght get pregnant.」
•Vagna: 3.8 cm (Overall span)~「Ooh! Don't yo need to reathe?♥」

A thrd year, ahead of the rl=/c94631protagonst's/rl grade. Rosalna s an arstocratc sccs.

She has plenty of prde, and a hgh flyng atttde along wth her lady-lke personalty. She looked down on the protagonst at frst t was defeated for the frst tme ever when he sed hs magc ook and sexal harassment. As soon as she got a t of hs scent, her ody stopped lstenng to her and she collapsed jst wth a smple toch. After ths ncdent, she realzes she ganed an emarrassng skll: "Go nto heat wth the scent of the protagonst, senstvtyx1000".

Rosalna has no resentment from the fact she was defeated; she ecomes mch more nterested n hm. She makes the tme to search for hm n order to sedce hm wth her eatfl reasts. Her desre to defeat hm and to refne her sklls makes her a great sccs!

She elongs to the Farench Deshka XO tenns cl, a fghtng tenns game where one hts magc alls. Her mother s also a famos tenns player n the sccs world.

Her oos are great R Cps. The par ponts pwards whch wonderflly sts a hgh-rankng lady.

rl=/c95108Frs/rl-Sense's Comment/
Rosalna's oos are easy to feel, so do yor est wth the paoln. Also, let's extend yor characterstcs that are good wth smells./

セレスティア・ラシエール (暂无译名)

CV: 叶 一華

The Masochst Paladn Oppa Sccs!//
Farench Deshka Academy Second Year
Sccs Sword Fghtng Cl Memer

•Bst: 120 cm ~「T-Ths s also a "weapon" for the sccs.」
•Npples: 8 mm (Length) ~「They chafe n my armor...they jst keep growng.」
•Areolae: 36 mm (Dameter) ~「D-Don't complment them! That's emarrassng!」
•Wast: 57 cm ~「I'm carefl. It's ecase I always do strct tranng.」
•Hps: 87 cm ~「What s t!? W-Why do yo care aot my tt so mch!?」
•Thghs: 46 cm (Crcmference) ~「Stop starng! They are not fat!」
•Vagna: 4.3 cm (Overall span) ~「Y-Yo won't get anywhere wth complments...♥」

Celesta s a paladn sccs n the sword fghtng cl who devotes herself everyday to eng strong and chvalros. She s n the same grade as the rl=/c94631protagonst/rl.

Althogh her personalty s seros and dgnfed when t comes to the sword, she s not very strct n most matters and s very frendly. Her strong chvalros atttde sppresses her nstnctve desres as a sccs for the most part. However, ecase she s a sccs, she'll have lewd delsons and e vlnerale to erotc attacks. She sally enjoys mastratng once or twce a week, t snce she met the protagonst, the amont has een gradally ncreasng. Celesta mastrates daly now.

Althogh her famly has scc, her famly s also famos as paladns. Her mother s a famos paladn and gld master. Becase she works so hard on swordsmanshp everyday, t seems she has no sklls for eng a rde.

Untl she met the protagonst, she wasn't nterested n real men at all. Bt ecase of hs daly sexal harassments, she egan to form masochstc desres. She has great Q Cp oos that are nce and sprngy thanks to daly sword tranng!

rl=/c95108Frs/rl-Sense's Comment/
Yo recently started a specal tranng wth yor mother on a pens ftness machne.... Please teach me how to se t next tme./

キャルル・レストラム (暂无译名)

CV: 水野 七海

The Cheerleadng Tsndere Oppa Sccs!//
Farench Deshka Academy Second Year
Sccs Cheerleadng Cl Memer

•Bst: 118 cm ~「Oh? Yo want to toch? Yo got to e kddng me!」
•Npples: 3 mm (Length) ~「Ah! mlk s comng ot.」
•Areolae: 35 mm (Dameter)~「Ths s jst the sze seen throgh my ra, nderstand?」
•Wast: 56 cm ~「I have confdence n ths small wast ♥」
•Hps: 84 cm ~「For easy chldrth!」
•Thghs: 47 cm (Crcmference) ~「Ff, want me to sqeeze yo ntl yo fant?」
•Vagna: 4.2 cm (Overall span) ~「N-No, I cant let yo toch that.」

A sccs that fell n love wth the rl=/c94631protagonst/rl when she saw hm tryng a smmonng rtal n hs world n the past. She s cheerfl and energetc, as well as loved y her classmates. However, n front of the protagonst, she ecomes a prod tsndere and can get rrtated easly.

At frst she looked at the protagonst (throgh a crystal all), who faled at many attempts to smmon a sccs, wth dotng eyes. Bt wth hm eng rght n front of her, she can not help t feel sexally attracted. For ths reason, she sally takes a haghty atttde wth hm to control herself. Bt she cannot refse hm once he's seros (she happly accepts hm whle pretendng to e pset). She has a personalty n whch she cannot convey her feelngs properly. Even f the protagonst lkes her, snt t ecase of the aphrodsac effect of the sccs? He doesn't seem to mnd thogh.

Caryle elongs to the Farench Deshka cheerleadng cl. When the protagonst comes y, she cheers for hs lower parts whle her Q cp szed oos shake volently!

rl=/c95108Frs/rl-Sense's Comment/
Please do yor est to overcome yor weaknesses n the "Boo Sckng" and "Mlt-Creampe Shootng" corses./

夢ヶ崎 魔恋 (暂无译名)

CV: 岡本 理絵

The Chldhood Frend Oppa Sccs!//
Farench Deshka Academy Second Year
Sccs Swmmng Cl Memer

•Bst: 115 cm ~「G-Geez, t can't get gger than ths!」
•Npples: 5 mm (Length) ~「They are rng aganst my tght clothes.」
•Areolae: 37 mm (Dameter) ~「I'm not good at removng pastes.」
•Wast: 57 cm ~「How s t?」
•Hps: 86 cm ~「The swmst really dgs nto t.」
•Thghs: 41 cm (Crcmference)~「Yo want a lap pllow? Come here and no trnng over♥」
•Vagna: 4.0 cm (Overall span)~「The school swmst cases an sse here.」

An nlcky chldhood frend of the rl=/c94631protagonst/rl who gets caght p n hs sccs smmonng ceremony and goes to the other world wth hm. Wth the transfer, she egan to grow horns and a tal, ths ecomng an oppa sccs! (Her st sze ncreased 3 cp szes after the transformaton to an O Cp. Her ra dd not ft anymore).

She has lved next door to the protagonsts for a long tme and she has een n love wth hm for a long tme. At frst glance, she s cold and sharp t she s nce and gentle nderneath t all. She s vlnerale to the protagonst's reqests and falls to them every tme. She always shows a pompos, arrogant atttde whle acceptng hs reqests to avod lookng too happy. She s awkward and nale to express her tre feelngs, so she often fghts wth hm.

The protagonst started hs own "occlt stdy grop" that she checked p on occasonally ecase she gets worred aot hm. When she was a normal person n a normal school, she was enrolled n a swmmng cl. She joned Farench Deshka's swmmng cl when she enrolled (t the erotc desgn of the swmst stll confses her).

Becase of the specal rles of Farench Deshka Academy (no pantes allowed), Mako has ehaved more lke a grl n front of the protagonst then ever efore.

rl=/c95108Frs/rl-Sense's Comment/
It seems yo can not overcome yor shame. Please try to do so and e ncknamed "walkng sex"./

崎羽 精炎 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

The protagonist. A second year student who was attending Yumemigafuchi high school. He is a pervert and is the president of his own occult research club. He wishes to summon a succubus one day so that he can have his sexual desires fulfilled. Every day he attempts to summon a succubus, even forcing his childhood friend to cooperate with him. One day, during another failed summoning he ends up transporting to the country of succubus in Yggdrasil along with Mako. With new erotic powers and a magic spell book, he is ready to conquer the succubus school.

アルヴィネラ (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Farench Deshka Girls' Academy school board director
Lewd Magic Power: Dirty Fate Libido, Sex Scouter Skills

In order to save her school from closing down due to low erotic deviation scores, she planned to summon a legendary succubus to bring her school back into shape. However, her summoning synchronized with the protagonist's succubus summoning which had forced him to come to Yggdrasil.

She stands above the other succubi with a confident and dignified personality in addition to a much stronger libido.

フィリス (暂无译名)

CV: 野中 カオリ

The succubus teacher in charge of the protagonist's class who gives off an aura of motherhood. She is very gentle and mild-mannered, but when she sees little boys her succubus instincts burst in combination with maternal instincts. She is in charge of monitoring the protagonist but she is having a hard time since she has not had to deal with men much. Her magic power is the second highest in the school to the director. It seems she has firm grasp of summoning skills and can handle wife-level lewd magic.

リヅイ (暂无译名)

CV: 赤月 ゆむ

A cheery but clumsy minotaur apprentice barber that works in the beauty salon "Before-After". She belongs to the Holstein species of minotaur, which has by far the largest amount of breast milk among minotaur breeds. She has a kind personality and cares about the protagonist, who visits the salon regularly. Holstein minotaur girls are able to breast feed from a young age. Her huge Q cup boobs are no exception. When she cuts hair, her boobs come right in front of your face.

ベルダ・オーガスタス (暂无译名)

CV: 宇佐美 日和

The owner of the weapons shop "Crimson Eclipse". She is a married woman from a demon family. In the past, she was a brave demon warrior who adventured and battled in various places but now runs a quiet store in the corner of the city. She gets hesitant behavior from first-time customers because of being a demon, but she is really bright and friendly once you get to know her. Her weapons appraisal skill is 6-Star master class. In addition, her skills as a blacksmith are excellent. The most popular products she sells these days are short swords with a checkered pattern and she doesnt know why they are selling. By the way, she dislikes natto and bean dishes.

リラ・スノーウィル (暂无译名)

CV: 月森 ねね

Originally from the Yuki Onna tribe, she is now the receptionist of the guild "Alshark" found in the school. She also sells miscellaneous goods in the guild, and it is a place where the protagonist often visits to see her boobs. She looks cold at first glance, but she's a friendly and easy to talk to person. For some reason, she often recommends quests that are ethically difficult, such as the "subjugation of female orcs in heat", which she recommends to the protagonist. Because she is a Yuki-Onna, she is not good with hot temperatures and hot food. Her mind starts to melt and she goes into heat when she stays in a hot place for a long time.

由 月幕OpenAPI & HikarinagiAPI 驱动 | 游戏ID: 37791
数据来源:月幕Galgame - 美少女游戏档案 | 反馈错误(反馈时请附带游戏ID)

【PC/汉化】吹弹!丰盈!波涛汹涌!异世界魔法学园! / もっと!孕ませ!炎のおっぱい異世界エロ魔法学園! - Hikarinagi
【PC/汉化】吹弹!丰盈!波涛汹涌!异世界魔法学园! / もっと!孕ませ!炎のおっぱい異世界エロ魔法学園!


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