【Gal】【PC/汉化】架向星空之桥AA / 星空へ架かる橋AA

【Gal】【PC/汉化】架向星空之桥AA / 星空へ架かる橋AA


架向星空之桥AA是架向星空之桥FAN DISC,讲述的故事在本作时间之后。游戏新增一名可攻略角色七森星罗(cv.远野梵),原作的旅店老板娘万千歌和三位学生小由、藤堂重音、长濑凑升格为可攻略角色。


星空へ架かる橋AA (架向星空之桥AA)

发行日期: 2012-04-27 | 限制级: 是 | 开发商: feng

本作为『星空へ架かる橋』的FanDisk,其中收录了架向星空之桥的After Story和Another Story。
而After物语则收录了在游戏官网中发布的含有初和陽菜特别追加剧情的「St. Valentine's Day 特別パッチ」的全语音版,以及其他角色的日后谈。






中津川 初 (中津川初)

CV: 中村 繪里子





Ui Nakatsugawa is the main female protagonist of the series. Lively and upbeat, Ui is a second-year high school student who is arguably the most iconic character of the series. She is the first girl Kazuma meets and without a doubt, the first to kiss him. An energetic, carefree individual, Ui is fun, outgoing and adored by everyone, though she is comparatively naive to her peers. Of her most outward traits, Ui has an outrageous appetite for food.


日向 伊吹 (日向伊吹)

CV: 青葉 りんご





Ibuki Hinata is a fellow second-year student, her class representative, and Ui's closest if not best friend. Besides her academic excellence and status on the student council, she is also an active member of the archery club, having practiced the sport since middle school. Her first acquaintance with Kazuma is a suspicious and disparaging one; much to her own confusion, his kindness rubs off and she ultimately develops a soft-spot for him. Although Ibuki can be tough and difficult, she succumbs to her feelings and can be particularly tender and shy.


藤堂 こより (藤堂小和)

CV: 大久保藍子




Koyori is a first-year student and the vivacious younger sister of Tsumugi, second oldest to Kasane. An animated, headstrong, tenacious and often loud girl, Koyori, much like Ibuki, does not welcome Kazuma with open arms at the start of their introduction, though after cushioning her fall from a tree she has a change of heart. In spite of her almost spitfire disposition, Koyori enjoys helping others and appreciates those who help her.

From url=http://www.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Hoshizora_e_Kakaru_Hashi_characters

酒井 陽菜 (酒井阳菜)

CV: 吉田 真弓




的人Calm and peculiar, Hina Sakai is a third-year student, who unlike the rest of the cast, is one of the more difficult to discern. Her habitually aloof and reticent nature distinguish her as an intrapersonal, somewhat mysterious person, a trait she is well known and admired for at school; her encounter with Kazuma, and the time she spends with him and the group however, serve to relieve this. Despite her refined image, Hina madly adores anything cute and even personifies plush toys. Her parents own a famous distillery, a common motif of hers is to study marketing in college.


神本 円佳 (神本圆佳)

CV: 清水 愛





Madoka Koumoto is a first-year student, who outside of her time at school, doubles as the local Shinto shrine miko. Bashful and delicate, she is often found sweeping leaves off the sandō, reading books to children at the Yamabiko library or less commonly, in the company of friends. Having grown up sheltered, Madoka dresses old-fashioned, is mildly androphobic, and beyond her time in school, is not familiar with or interested in subcultures. Her history with Kazuma nonetheless is the longest of anyone, spanning at least a decade. Madoka enjoys writing and is skilled at nage-waza. Madoka is childhood friends with Kazuma. Madoka is also not good with males and if a male touches her, she will use martial arts to defend herself.


藤堂 つむぎ (藤堂绸)

CV: たかはし 智秋






Prim and quaint, Tsumugi is a third-year student and one of the most respectable cast members. A gentle, down-home country girl, Tsumugi is courteous, knowledgeable and acts as a sort of mediator for those around her. Tsumugi is a lover of nature and the rural life, enforced by her part-time work at the Yorozuyo Inn. She is the oldest of three sisters, Koyori and Kasane Toudou.

星野 一馬 (星野一马)

CV: 暂无



Kazuma Hoshino is the main male protagonist of the series. A rather ordinary, though warmhearted teenage boy, he moves out of the city and into the countryside for the sake of his brother Ayumu's delicate health. His acclimation to this environment is an initially rough and humiliating one, attracting the ridicule and distrust of some of his peers; overtime however, his gentleman demeanor and true intentions earn him respect and even the ardency of his female companions. Partially unaware that his childhood took place in Yamabaki, Kazuma experiences occasional flashbacks.


星野 歩 (星野步)

CV: 大橋 歩夕



Ayumu Hoshino is the adorable younger brother of Kazuma. An affectionate little boy, he moves with Kazuma into the countryside on behalf of his asthma and meek health, and like his older sibling, enrolls in school. Much like Kazuma, Ayumu is friendly, altruistic and gregarious. Of his many hobbies, Ayumu enjoys drawing.


万 千歌 (万千歌)

CV: 河原木 志穂




Senka Yorozu is the titular owner of the Yorozuyo Inn. A friendly and hospitable woman, Senka, a friend of Kazuma and Ayumu's father, warmly welcomes the boys to live with her when they travel to Yamabiko. Though she is giving and considerate, Senka does not tolerate nonsense of any kind from anyone, including her guests. She does however have a mischievous side to her and does enjoy drinking.

南国原 大吾 (南国原大吾)

CV: 羽多野 渉


Spirited and somewhat eccentric, Daigo Minamikokubaru is a second-year student. A classmate, he befriends Kazuma almost immediately on his first day of the school, acquainting him with the campus and even the profiles of some of the girls he meets; jealous of his unintentional success with women. As a sign of brethren respect, he frequently addresses Kazuma "brother". Daigo is the son of the second-year homeroom instructor.


藤堂 かさね (暂无译名)

CV: 門脇 舞以

Kasane is a middle school student who is Tsumugi and Koyori's youngest sister. Cheery and playful, Kasane is best known for indulging in the rumor and gossip of the town, earning her the nickname "Fast ears". Kasane is a fellow schoolmate of Ayumu and is a good friend of his.

Edited from url=http://www.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Hoshizora_e_Kakaru_Hashi_characters

七森 星羅 (暂无译名)

CV: 岡嶋 妙

Nanamori Seira is the new ******e of the series. She is Kasane's classmate but not her friend. However, she used to refer to Ibuki as a sister. Seira used to be friends with the whole Hinata family, however, an accident set out their relationship to worse, and she became like what she is today. She and Ibuki are childhood friends

Seira appears antisocial and cool and really mature for her age, however, she is actually pretty clumsy. She loves watching the starry sky in the park every day. Seira also acts sometimes a little bit old-fashioned due to living with her grandmother.

よっちゃん (暂无译名)

CV: 中村 繪里子


千歌の従妹で、一年前に 『よろづよ』 へ合宿で来た際に一馬と出会う。



「ふふっ、お久しぶりです。元気でしたか? 私はもちろん元気ですよっ」
A minor character from the game Akane Iro ni Somaru Saka. She's a friend of Minato's and they visit Yamabiko together in Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi.
She meets the main characters and becomes friends with especially Madoka, whom she shares emails and takes a picture with.
Yocchan is not her real name and she refuses to tell anyone what it actually is.

長瀬 湊 (长濑凑)

CV: 今井 麻美


白石 なごみ (白石和美)

CV: 壱智村 小真

自称“不可思议”的一年级生,这个神出鬼没的谜样女子,是个和名字相去甚远的麻烦制造者,基本上是心不在焉的表情。宛如人偶一样,出场的次数很少(包括向不明人士发电报的出场),但一出场就让人离不开眼睛,不停地做出些谜样的言行,而且随时随地都可能蹭地窜出来。最大的谜是她不知道和谁不停地在进行谜般的通信……虽然语气一副亲切的模样,但其实是貌似恭谦,实则轻蔑的毒舌派……  特征:是头上的呆毛。长长的刘海遮住左眼。

由 月幕OpenAPI & HikarinagiAPI 驱动 | 游戏ID: 17932
数据来源:月幕Galgame - 美少女游戏档案 | 反馈错误(反馈时请附带游戏ID)

图片[1] - 【Gal】【PC/汉化】架向星空之桥AA / 星空へ架かる橋AA - Hikarinagi
图片[2] - 【Gal】【PC/汉化】架向星空之桥AA / 星空へ架かる橋AA - Hikarinagi
图片[3] - 【Gal】【PC/汉化】架向星空之桥AA / 星空へ架かる橋AA - Hikarinagi
【Gal】【PC/汉化】架向星空之桥AA / 星空へ架かる橋AA - Hikarinagi
【Gal】【PC/汉化】架向星空之桥AA / 星空へ架かる橋AA


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