【Gal】【PC/PE/汉化】灰色:幻影扳机 第5.5卷 / グリザイア ファントムトリガー Vol. 5.5

【Gal】【PC/PE/汉化】灰色:幻影扳机 第5.5卷 / グリザイア ファントムトリガー Vol. 5.5



她已经在 “刺客训练学校 “的特殊环境中当了三个月的老师。 


但在这中间… 那些像铁锈一样侵蚀他心灵的噩梦又复活了… 

那个在 “杀手之家 “如茧般封闭心灵的女孩。 

我害怕外面的世界 …… 
我做了什么? 已经原谅我了。…… 





グリザイア:ファントムトリガー Vol.5 (灰色幻影扳机 Vol. 5)

发行日期: 2018-07-27 | 限制级: 否 | 开发商: Front Wing








蒼井 春人 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

A former CIRS agent who now serves as a tactical instructor at Mihama Academy, and as a handler to the school's students. Though he looks young, he has a great deal of experience on the field, and he still has lots of friends on CIRS' current roster.

Haruto radiates warmth and gentility, but this has left him an object of teasing at Mihama - the girls under his charge tend to treat him like he's just another kid. He can also be pretty tight-lipped about his past. Some of his memories are in fact rather vague, and there remain lots of gaps in his work history.

Gunplay really isn't Haruto's strong suit. He doesn't often succeed in striking his target (though some people believe this apparent ineptitude to be a deliberate ploy on his part).

He has little interest in food, and will usually make do with just a salad.

Haruto will often issue strategic commands on the battlefield, but he rarely finds himself standing in the trenches. He uses a sword, but not one made in the Japanese fashion; it would certainly be a bit of a stretch to call it a katana.

"Haha, my classmates often tell me I'm a total asshole."

It is later implied in Volume 6 that he is the result of mixed DNA from Kazami Yuuji and Kusakabe Asako. This was all done in order for him to become the third-generation Thanatos System./

獅子ヶ谷 桐花 (暂无译名)

CV: 佐倉 綾音

A sniper. Her mother is German, her father American. Growing up, Tohka learned self-defense techniques and riflery from her father, a former soldier, and his comrades; she was the youngest ever winner of a shooting competition in her hometown. In the wake of her mother's death, she spent two years attached to a PMC (private military contractor) alongside her father.

She can be extraordinarily belligerent, and sometimes breaks into outbursts of violence. She is, in short, a classic tsundere. Though infinitely curious about the world, she has a pragmatic side, too: she won't tolerate any nonsense. She possesses a measure of shrewdness and inner strength that belies her cute, childish exterior.

Whenever she was left home alone as a child, Tohka would shove a shotgun in the face of any cold-caller who came knocking; she's since become known for her shyness around strangers. She tends to take an instant dislike to anyone she meets. She's clearly desperate to be regarded as a friend by others, though, however little effort she exerts in this regard herself.

She's basically pretty bad at making friends. She also has a bit of a complex about her small stature, and it's to compensate for this that she tries to act all grown-up.

"Really? Then listen up, all of you! Calling me 'cute' IS badmouthing me!!"

深見 玲奈 (暂无译名)

CV: 内田 真礼

A gunwoman who's charged with shooting on Haruto's behalf, due to his personal distaste for firearms. Rena's a lively girl, amiable and warm in her dealings with just about everybody. She's tall and well-proportioned, her limbs smooth and powerful. She makes sure to stay healthy and active.

Rena has a strong sense of responsibility, and tends to be quite cautious; she's always scanning the environment for threats. Her loyalty to Haruto, her 'Master', and the docility she demonstrates around him, are most notable.

However skilled Rena is physically, she struggles quite a bit in the classroom. When told off, she quickly grows timid; she has a good appetite for learning nonetheless, and responds well to praise.

She favors an M1911-style pistol, and lets loose about two hundred rounds every day.

Rena also has a tendency towards obsession. Once she develops an interest in a handgun, she can't make do with any other weapon until the heft of that particular gun is ingrained in her senses. Though law enforcement agencies having summarily dismissed the superiority of .45 ammo, Rena obstinately persists in using it, even going so far as to get lightweight bullets specially manufactured by the school gunsmith.

She has a motorcycle license, and when she's feeling particularly ravenous, she'll often sneak out in the middle of the night for ramen.

"I haven't had a really filling meal recently - like sushi, or something nice and meaty..."

鯨瀬 クリスティナ 桜子 (暂无译名)

CV: 名塚 佳織

An explosives and computer specialist, born in Shanghai to British parents. Of the 148 students at Mihama Academy, Chris is ranked eighth in terms of test scores, and she's ended up in charge of helping the rest of the class with their studies. She comports herself well around other people, and ordinarily seems quite meek, but she's said to become genuinely scary when she's angry.

Just like Haruto, Chris isn't too fond of guns, and generally refuses to carry one. In fact, her standard-issue handgun is a defective model that ought to have been returned to the manufacturer, and that doesn't appear to bother her in the least.

She used to wear her beautiful blonde hair down past her shoulders. When she was in elementary school, though, she accidentally set off a bomb in the school toilets, and singed her hair; ever since then, she's kept it short.

A helpful girl who's proficient in every kind of household chore, Chris is something of a den mother to the other students: she prepares meals in the student dorm, cleans her friends' bedrooms, and does their laundry. She also has rather poor eyesight, wearing contact lenses almost all the time. Only in the brief moment between her waking up and washing her face will you find her in glasses.

"I see. In that case, don't hesitate to call for me if you do happen to step on a landmine."

駒 邑沙季 (暂无译名)

CV: 種﨑 敦美

A self-proclaimed 'Russian ninja', Murasaki's actual heritage is shrouded in mystery.
She makes all sorts of claims about her 'ninja skillz', including her certification as a 'master ninja'.

Her real forte is disguise, and she takes on a lot of missions involving stealth and infiltration; her calling-card is the .22 subsonic ammo she always uses. Alongside easily concealable weapons like small-bore automatic pistols and her kunai, or Japanese dagger, Murasaki's fond of katana swords and rifles.

Her personality can be difficult to pin down; she rarely displays her true feelings in front of others, and obviously has fun saying weird things to confound other people. Even during the summer, she wears a long scarf around her neck to signal her ninja identity. At first glance, it looks like the kind of scarf a normal female student might wear, but it's actually woven from a mix of aramid fiber and synthetic protein, making it both bullet-proof and fire resistant.

Murasaki's been friends with Haruto since she was a young child, and loves him like an older brother. Or could her adoration for him be something more?

She ranks third in close-quarters combat, her ferocious speed losing out to Haruto's skill and Rena's raw strength.

"... Yeah. I just like ninjas, that's all. I an be anywhere and everywhere."

有坂 秋桜里 (暂无译名)

CV: 井澤 美香子

The unfortunate new homeroom teacher at this unusual school, who really has no idea what she's gotten herself into.

An extremely earnest young woman, she can end up letting people walk all over her in her efforts to accommodate them. She's perhaps best described as 'unassuming' - or, more to the point, 'cowardly'. She wouldn't look out of place as a nameless NPC in some generic role-playing game. She doesn't have much luck at work; she's the type to end up causing a huge calamity, and then get caught out straight away by her superior.

According to Arisaka herself, she was equally unlucky as a kid - she's always drawn the short straw. Sometimes it can genuinely seem like she's cursed.

Other than that, though, her life is pretty ordinary. Mundane, even. That can seem like a breath of fresh air somewhere like Mihama Academy. Like everyone else, she appears simply to have drifted into the school.

"It might be too late at this point, but do you really think I'll be alright?"

井ノ原 真紀 (暂无译名)

CV: 南條 愛乃

AKA “Soul Speed”.
Maki is affiliated with a hostile Russian crime syndicate; it is likely that she is being employed by the organization as both a contract killer and bagman.

Maki is strong and well-built, making her handy in a fight. She wields four Glock 26s, and goes by many aliases. Though wary of others and very quick to anger, Maki’s actually remarkably naïve.

official site

野上 (暂无译名)

CV: 近江 知永

Nogami has worked as Sengoku Ichiru's assistant ever since her time in CIRS’ Special Medical Division, and she continues to uphold that role at Mihama Academy.

While brilliant, she also possesses several personal faults that get in the way of her day-to-day life. Case in point: the fact that her room is always such a total mess. Haruto thinks of her as a sort of surrogate older sister, turning to her first whenever he has issues that he's reluctant to discuss with Principal Sengoku.

"Nogami is fine."

From url=http://grisaia-pt.com/en/index.htmlofficial site

仙石 一縷 (暂无译名)

CV: 行成 とあ

Thanks to her background, she has a lot of pull with the upper echelons at CIRS. It's rumored that in the course of her work for the organization, she's come to learn the weaknesses of many of her fellow agents. This may have been a key factor in her "retirement" when the organization was restructured.

A report at this time detailing the gap between the American and Japanese intelligence services in terms of both efficacy and intelligence-gathering capabilities inspired Sengoku to create SORD (Social Ops, Research & Development); she then used her dismissal as an opportunity to establish herself, and SORD, as a leading force in tactical development.

"I know... Keep it brief, right? I'm in no mood to drone on when I don't have my coffee or cigarettes."

official site

山本 イヅミ (暂无译名)

CV: 北垣内 春香

A gunsmith in Mihama Academy's second-year mechanical engineering class. An expert in both metalwork and plastics, Yamamoto handles almost all of the firearms and ammunition used by Mihama students, whose guns are updated with new QR tags every time she carries out maintenance work.

Every now and then you can find her zoned out and thrashing away at her air guitar, while a thumping beat blasts through her headphones.

"If ya don' want the ammo I prepared for ya, ya don't hafta use it, ya know?!"

official site

九真城 恵 (暂无译名)

CV: 三森 すずこ

A sniper from the SORD unit based at St. Aile’s International, sister school to Mihama Academy.
It’s said that once she has you in her sights, there’s no escape - hence her nickname, “Mystic Eye”. Her main weapon is a Blaser R93.

Gumi behaves like an old-school war veteran, and tends to adopt a ludicrously single-minded approach to her duties. Burning with a powerful sense of justice, Gumi takes a hard line against unscrupulous behavior; the harshness of her rebukes can come as quite a shock.

Her special skill is speed eating, and she won’t be beaten in this by anyone.

"Sorry, senpai. There's still something I need to do - one task I have to complete."

official site

仙石 大雅 (暂无译名)

CV: 高森 奈津美

First cousin to Sengoku Ichiru, and an elementary student in Mihama Academy’s sapper school. Taiga’s always lived a pampered life, having grown up as heiress to the Sengoku estate. She’s a quick-witted and intelligent girl, as evidenced by the fact that she’s already passed her university entrance exams.

With all the expectations heaped on her, it’s only natural that Taiga should come across as a little arrogant. This is one of the reasons why she tends to keep her distance from other people - though she’s quite happy on her own. Rena calls her “The Milquik Master”, following a serendipitous encounter back when she first arrived at Mihama.

Taiga is intent on participating in activities that are usually closed to children of her stature; she cares little for age restrictions, nor other people’s opinions of her. Eventually her persistence pays off, when Haruto finally heeds her request to join Class A.

"Kujirase... Where am I to be allowed out into the field?"

From url=/http://grisaia-pt.com/en/index.htmlofficial site

狗駒 悠希 (暂无译名)

CV: 佐佐木未来

Murasaki's older sister, and a Ninja Master of the same rank. She returns to Mihama after having been away to work abroad for an extended period of time.

While she has many acquaintances of all shapes and sizes, she doesn't appear to have anybody she can call a true friend. A cheerful girl with a mischievous side, she stands out due to her carefree behavior. She openly expresses her affection, which makes her come off as a bit easy, but this is merely a façade to hide her true nature.

Her weapons of choice are a suppressor-equipped Bulgarian Makarov and a Kalashnikov (AKS-74U).

"Jeez! How can you spew such lies without battin' an eyelid?!"

From url=http://grisaia-pt.com/en/official site

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图片[2] - 【Gal】【PC/PE/汉化】灰色:幻影扳机 第5.5卷 / グリザイア ファントムトリガー Vol. 5.5 - Hikarinagi
图片[3] - 【Gal】【PC/PE/汉化】灰色:幻影扳机 第5.5卷 / グリザイア ファントムトリガー Vol. 5.5 - Hikarinagi
图片[4] - 【Gal】【PC/PE/汉化】灰色:幻影扳机 第5.5卷 / グリザイア ファントムトリガー Vol. 5.5 - Hikarinagi



【Gal】【PC/PE/汉化】灰色:幻影扳机 第5.5卷 / グリザイア ファントムトリガー Vol. 5.5 - Hikarinagi
【Gal】【PC/PE/汉化】灰色:幻影扳机 第5.5卷 / グリザイア ファントムトリガー Vol. 5.5



