【PC/汉化】鬼畜王兰斯 / 鬼畜王ランス

【PC/汉化】鬼畜王兰斯 / 鬼畜王ランス



鬼畜王ランス (暂无译名)

发行日期: 1996-12-19 | 限制级: 是 | 开发商: AliceSoft

This game is not considered part of the official Rance universe timeline, forking off after the events of Rance 4.2, as a "What if" episode. However, many characters and ideas featured in later Rance games originated in Kichikuou Rance.

The game begins at the start of LP0003. The warrior Rance, accompanied as always by his faithful slave Sill Plain, has been living as the leader of a group of bandits in northern Helman after killing their previous leader as part of a job given to him by the Keith Guild. While Rance greatly enjoys the raping and pillaging that comes with being a bandit leader, the guilt-ridden Sill believes that he is in danger of losing what remains of his conscience and genuinely becoming a villain.

After attacking the city of Golak, Rance's group alerts the attention of Ruberan Tser, commander of the Helman volunteer army, who launches a counterstrike on them during their second attempt at pillaging the city. Unable to fight against a genuine army, the bandits are quickly destroyed, Sill is captured by the Helman Army and Rance is forced to flee for his life.

Rance evades the Helman army for several days, with both his equipment and health steadily declining all the while, before he finally passes out from fatigue along the Leazas/Helman border. He is found on the verge of death by Kentou Kanami, the personal ninja of Leazas' queen and Rance's longtime admirer Lia Parapara Leazas, who brings him to Leazas castle. After three days of recovery, Rance finally regains consciousness and, completely humiliated by his defeat at Helman's hands and desperate to rescue Sill, demands that Lia give him the Leazas Army to destroy the enemy nation. Finally seeing an opportunity to have Rance to herself, Lia agrees on the condition that he first marry her, which Rance reluctantly accepts.

As the new king of Leazas, Rance sets his first steps on a path that will lead to either world domination or death.

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日光 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 51/71
Skill Level(s): Sword Combat LV2

A legendary sword of incredible power that is one of only three weapons in existence capable of piercing through the invincibility field of a demon. Unlike Chaos, she is actually capable of transforming into a human form on command.

She is actually a former member of the Legendary Five, the greatest adventuring party in history, who was turned into a sword after she requested for the god Planner to give her the power to pierce the invincibility field.

She is currently in the possession of Kentarou, who had been using her to fight off the demons of the Kayblis faction. After Kentarou becomes incapacitated, however, she offers herself to be used by Rance temporarily.

ケイブリス (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 240/255
Skill Level(s): Sword Combat LV2, Magic LV1

The oldest Demon alive, who served under the very first Demon King thousands of years before the creation of humanity.

Following the death of Demon King Gai and the induction of Miki Kurusu as the latest Demon King, he formed his own faction of monsters with the intention of kidnapping and killing Miki in order to make himself Demon King.

A massive and absurdly powerful creature, he rules exclusively through fear and manipulation, with none of his subordinates even slightly respecting him. He is naturally crass and violent, and is prone to fits of rage that result in a large number of deaths.

He harbors feelings for Kamilla, who finds him repulsive, and becomes a stuttering mess when in her presence. He often sends her gifts and poorly written letters expressing his love for her, though they are always immediately destroyed.

パットン・ミスナルジ (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 30/70
Skill Level(s): Unarmed Combat LV2, Sword Combat LV1, Shield Combat LV1

The bastard son of the previous Emperor of Helman. Originally heir-apparent to the country's throne, he lost his good standing with the royal court after the birth of Empress Sheila Helman, causing him to become a foolish delinquent.

During the events of Rance III, he attempted to regain his position as heir by attempting to invade Leazas with a section of his nation's army and the assistance of Dark Lords, but was foiled by Rance, gravely injured and declared legally dead by his country.

While recovering from his wounds on the outskirts of civilization, he came to realize that he had caused great suffering to others through his selfishness, and vowed to become a better person to prevent it from happening any further. After extensive training, he has become an amazing man who is selfless, heroic and extremely skilled at fighting.

Over time, he has gradually built a rebel army out of his closest allies with the intention of toppling retaking Helman for himself and repairing the damage that Stessel Romanov has caused it.

ランス (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 20/∞
Skill Level(s): Sword Combat LV2, Shield Combat LV1

A violent warrior with a perverted mind whose every action shakes the world.

This is the original incarnation of the character who appears in the now non-canonical original versions of the first three games in the Rance series and Kichikuou Rance.

マリス・アマリリス (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 30/67
Skill Level(s): Divine Magic LV2, Sword Combat LV1

The head of Leazas castle's maids and the personal attendant of the royal family. Contrary to her lowly position, she is more or less the true leader of the country, and handles nearly all of its financial and domestic governing.

She is singlemindedly devoted to serving Lia, and cares only about ensuring her happiness. While she does not particularly like Rance, her deep love for Lia causes her to loyally serve under him after he becomes the new king of Leazas, faithfully assisting him on his quest to conquer the world.

見当 かなみ (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 27/40
Skill Level(s): Ninja LV1

The personal ninja of the Leazas royal family. While decently skilled, her self-conscious nature causes her to be a prime target for Rance's harassment.

While scouting along the Leazas-Helman border, she discovered Rance on the verge of death and, not recognizing who he was, delivered him to the castle to restore him to health.

After Rance becomes the king of Leazas, she is forced to reluctantly serve under him as his personal ninja, resulting in him putting her through countless humiliating tasks.

シィル・プライン (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 19/80
Skill Level(s): Magic LV1, Divine Magic LV1

Rance's faithful slave who has accompanied him throughout countless adventures, servicing him in both battle and bed all the while.

Fearful that her master had become too villainous living as a bandit, she begged Rance to resume his regular life as an adventurer, but was ignored.

Following the bandit group's defeat at the hands of Helman forces, she was captured and imprisoned. Currently, she has attracted the attention of Madame Golch, who seeks to make her into one of her sex slaves. Rance's primary reason for becoming the King of Leazas was to obtain the military power necessary to storm into Helman and save her.

リア・パラパラ・リーザス (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 5/20
Skill Level(s): N/A

The queen of Leazas, the most prosperous human nation on the continent. While she appears to be childish and innocent, she is actually deeply manipulative and devious.

She has been madly in love with Rance ever since he took her virginity while foiling a kidnapping ring which she had been running during the events of Rance I, and has made several attempts at getting him to marry her ever since.

She personally nursed Rance back to health after he was delivered to Leazas castle on the verge of death from his defeat at the hands of Helman. She agreed to give Rance access to Leazas' army on the condition that he marry her, which he reluctantly accepted.

Currently, she is enjoying living as Rance's wife, though her desire to have him to herself causes her to constantly plot schemes to remove all of the other women from his life.

エレノア・ラン (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 16/30
Skill Level(s): Sword Combat LV1, Magic LV1

One of the four witches of the Free City of Custom who was freed from the corrupting power of the Phil Rings by Rance. While she was coldhearted and cruel when under the influence of the rings, she is actually a kind and timid young woman.

She is currently acting as mayor of the city following the previous mayor's retirement. Her top priority is ensuring the safety of her city and her friends, which causes her to be extremely wary of Rance, who she believes to be a horrible person.

When Rance marches Leazas' forces into Custom, she allows herself to become his subordinate after he promises that he'd leave both the city and her friends unharmed if she did.

リック・アディスン (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 40/70
Skill Level(s): Sword Combat Lv2

General of Leazas' elite assault force the Red Army. A young genius swordsman who is recognized as one of the most powerful warriors in the world due to his terrifying strength.

Despite his fearsome reputation and amazing fighting ability, he is actually a kind, polite and somewhat shy young man when outside of battle, and secretly possesses a very gentle and boyish face.

Rather surprisingly, he is one of the only men alive who Rance maintains any sort of respect for due to his abilities as a warrior, allowing him a very small amount of influence over Rance's decision-making process. In return, he greatly admires Rance for his skill with a sword, and is one of the only people who fully supports his becoming king of Leazas as a result.

He has a crush on Maris, though his feelings go entirely unrequited.

魔想 志津香 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 22/56
Skill Level(s): Magic Lv2

An aloof and powerful mage from the Free City of Custom. She is solely driven by her desire to avenge the deaths of her parents by killing Ragarl, their murderer, and will do anything in her power to do so.

After becoming corrupted by one of the magic-boosting Phil Rings, she attempted to travel through time to prevent her father's death, but was stopped by Rance. Since then, she has coincidentally crossed paths with him a countless number of times. Unlike her best friend Maria, Shizuka intensely hates Rance, and attempts to avoid spending time with him whenever possible.

Seeing Rance's becoming king of Leazas as an opportunity to have her revenge against Ragarl, she agrees to have sex with him under the conditions that he assists her in tracking him down and killing him.

マリア・カスタード (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 15/35
Skill Level(s): Magic LV1

One of the four witches of the Free City of Custom who was saved from the corrupted influence of the Phil Rings by Rance during the events of Rance II. While she is a proficient mage, her true passion lies in technological development, and her inventions have allowed Custom to become one of the most technologically advanced cities in the world.

She has encountered Rance countless times throughout his travels, and always assists him whenever they cross paths. She harbors feelings for him, though she is ashamed of herself for having them and recognizes that the only woman Rance truly loves is Sill.

She expresses regret that Rance married Lia over Sill, which causes her to once again confront her own relationship with him. Despite this, she takes advantage of Rance's newfound position of power by having him donate a portion of Leazas' national budget to assist her in weapon development.

エクス・バンケット (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 18/29
Skill Level(s): Sword Combat LV1

General of Leazas' White Army, a unit specializing in infiltration and tactical warfare.

While he is young, he is an extraordinarily talented tactician who is capable of formulating complicated and effective strategies in an instant, earning him the nickname "The Literary General".

A bleeding heart patriot who is deeply concerned with his country's future, he formed a rebellion in opposition to Rance after he was crowned king of Leazas and announced himself as a tyrant. He begins to have doubts about his actions, however, after his close friend Rick refuses to join his cause.

バレス プロヴァンス (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 30/37
Skill Level(s): Sword Combat LV1

Supreme commander of Leazas' military forces and acting general of its largest unit the Black Army.

A veteran knight who has served the royal family for three generations, he is wholly devoted to serving his country and is valued greatly for his excellence as a military leader.

Despite his high rank within Leazas, Rance does not even slightly respect Barres, and generally bullies him whenever they are forced to interact with each other. Nonetheless, Barres carries a deep respect for Rance's abilities as a leader, and is largely oblivious to his hatred of him, resulting in him getting picked on even more.

レイラ・グレクニー (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 36/52
Skill Level(s): Sword Combat LV1, Shield Combat LV1

Captain of the Leazas royal guard, the royal family's personal bodyguard unit composed solely of beautiful women.

She is an outgoing and confident woman who is extremely skilled with a sword. She greatly admires anyone who possesses skill as a warrior, and was in the past willing to sleep with any man who proved themselves to be stronger than her. Currently, however, she has stopped doing this due to developing feeling for Rick and desiring to remain loyal to him.

While she respects Rance's strength, she is often exasperated by his perverted antics and works hard to prevent him from sleeping with the members of the royal guard. As the royal guard is instructed to guard him at all times now that he is king, however, it has become much harder to do so.

コルドバ・バーン (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 30/44
Skill Level(s): Sword Combat LV1

General of Leazas' Blue Army, the nation's primary defensive unit and border guard.

A giant of a man, his abilities as a guard are unrivaled, earning him the nickname "The Blue Wall of Leazas". He is incredibly passionate and devoted to his work, and remains loyal to his country no matter the circumstances.

He is married to a young woman named Fururu who is close to twenty years his junior. While the two have been married for some time, their relationship remains chaste due to Cordoba's desire to wait until she turns twenty to consummate it. Despite their large age gap, few people question the validity of their relationship, with many calling them the perfect couple. Rance, however, sees their relationship as a crime against humanity and harbors a great deal of resentment towards Cordoba as a result.

メナド・シセイ (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 33/46
Skill Level(s): Sword Combat LV1

Lieutenant general of the Leazas Red Corps and the youngest knight in the country.

Despite her age, she earned her position through sheer skill, and is one of the most talented sword fighters in all of Leazas.

A boyish girl who is sensitive about her lack of femininity, she is quite self-conscious for someone in her position. She is currently in a relationship with Zarak, one of her subordinates, who she believes is the only person who sees her as a woman and not as a soldier. In reality, however, Zarak is manipulating her in order to abuse her power as lieutenant general./

She is close friends with Kentou Kanami, and the two often eat lunch together when off duty.

ハウレーン・プロヴァンス (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 30/36
Skill Level(s): Sword Combat LV1, Shield Combat LV1

Lieutenant general of Leazas' White Army and the eldest daughter of General Barres Provence.

A serious and dedicated soldier, she works tirelessly to escape from her father's shadow and be recognized for her own merits. She often clashes with Barres, who worries about her safety on the battlefield and desires for her to settle down and get married.

She is completely devoted to her commanding officer Ex Banquet, and loyally followed him into his rebellion against Rance as soon as it was formed.

アスカ・カドミュウム (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 39/44
Skill Level(s): Magic LV2

Granddaughter of Chaka Cadmium, commander of the Leazas Magic Corps.

After Chaka was cursed into the form of a costume, Asuka, as his only relative capable of using magic, was required to wear him at all times in order for Chaka to continue his duties as commander. Due to Asuka's childish personality making her prone to becoming distracted, however, the two are rarely capable of ever getting anything done.

キンケード・ブランブラ (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 27/36
Skill Level(s): Sword Combat LV1

Lieutenant general of the Leazas Blue Army. While his skills as both a swordsman and a military leader are on paper comparable to those of a general, his natural cowardice prevents him from taking full advantage of them.

A ruthless snake in the grass, he desires power and status, but lacks the drive to obtain them through skill alone, and instead sucks up to his superiors in hopes of passively winning their favor. He has no sympathy for his enemies and allows his soldiers to rape and pillage through enemy territory without raising any objections, claiming it to be "an inevitability of war".

He saw Rance's induction as king of Leazas as an opportunity to get on good terms with the royal family, but, due to Rance's hatred of men, he has only been able to make his king dislike him even more.

ジュリア・リンダム (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 14/38
Skill Level(s): Sword Combat LV0

An idiotic, carefree and useless girl who became a member of the Leazas Royal Guard through a combination of her family's prestigious name and her friendship with Queen Lia.

She spends almost all of her time in her own world, oblivious to the goings on around her, and is incredibly incompetent as a result.

The Hanny King shows a particular amount of interest in her, believing her to be the purest incarnation of "Moe", and is eager to train her to awaken her innate potential.

アールコート・マリウス (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 20/43
Skill Level(s): Sword Combat LV1, Shield Combat LV1

A student studying at the Leazas Girls Military Academy.

Though she possesses a prodigiously gifted strategic mind, far surpassing those of even experienced generals, her timid nature and lack of faith in herself cause her abilities to plummet in actual combat. Despite this, her skills alone are still enough to attract the attention of Aviator, who believes she has the potential to be a fantastic general.

She is regularly bullied by Rafalia, who feels threatened by her talents.

ラファリア・ムスカ (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 30/41
Skill Level(s): Sword Combat LV1, Shield Combat LV1

A student studying at the Leazas Girls Military Academy.

A highly ambitious and talented girl, she aims to become General of the Red Army. She is incredibly ruthless and manipulative, and is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve her goals, including seducing individuals in power and sabotaging her competition.

While she is recognized as an excellent soldier by Aviator, she is viewed as lacking the same genius potential as Arlcoate, causing her to be overlooked slightly in the process. In retaliation, Rafalia constantly torments Arlcoate in hopes of eliminating her as a rival.

チャカ・カドミュウム (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Commander of the Leazas Magic Army.

A skilled old magic user, he was transformed into a costume after an encounter with a powerful witch. Unable to move or cast magic on his own, he is forced to be worn by his great granddaughter Asuka at all times in order to continue his duties. A pitiful character.

アビァトール・スカット (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 20/54
Skill Level(s): Sword Combat LV1

A former captain of the Leazas Royal Guard and Leila's direct predecessor. She currently works as a teacher at the Leazas Girls Military Academy at the request of her close friend Maris.

Combining both the experience of a veteran soldier and the nurturing warmth of a mother, she is beloved and respected by all of her students. She is excellent at scouting talent within individuals, and personally tutors those she sees as having the potential to go far within the military.

She is married to a soldier in the Blue Army. Rance hits on her regularly, but she assumes he is attempting to flatter her and doesn't take it seriously.

メルフェイス・プロムナード (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 25/48
Skill Level(s): Magic LV2

Lieutenant Commander of the Leazas Magic Army.

A selfless woman who puts the safety of others before her own. Years ago, in order to save her hometown from an army of bandits, she partook of a potion which boosted her magical power by a tremendous amount at the cost of losing her sanity if she didn't have sex with a man more powerful than her every three months. Learning of her plight, Ex agreed to satiate her cravings in order to maintain her sanity, causing her to fall in love with him.

She loyally followed Ex in his rebellion against Rance after he was crowned king of Leazas.

サカナク・テンカ (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

A high ranking old soldier within the Leazas Black Army.

He chose to follow Ex in his rebellion against the Leazas royal family after Rance was crowned king.

ペガサス・フォード (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 15/30
Skill Level(s): Sword Combat LV1

The former general of the Leazas White Army and mentor of Ex Banquet.

While he is technically no longer a part of the White Army, he is still a very active presence within it, and frequently advises Ex when he is making decisions. Though the two bicker frequently, they share an extremely tight bond as teacher and student.

A stubborn patriot, he believes the people of a country come before its sovereign and immediately opposes Rance becoming king of Leazas. While Ex is the leader of the rebel army, it is Pegasus' persuasive influence that is responsible for its formation./

ドッヂ・エバンス (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

A high ranking soldier within the Leazas Black Army with a grizzled appearance.

He chose to follow Ex in his rebellion against the Leazas royal family after Rance was crowned king.

カーチス・アベレン (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 11/19
Skill Level(s): Magic LV1, Divine Magic LV1

A talented young mage who runs the Leazas Magic Research Institute.

Contrary to his appearance, he is actually a young man. Unaware of this, Rance attempted to flirt with him during their first meeting, only to become horrified at the revelation of his true gender. In order to cover up his initial attraction to him, Rance relentlessly bullies Curtis for his feminine looks.

ジブル・マクトミ (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

A high ranking young soldier within the Leazas Black Army.

He chose to follow Ex in his rebellion against the Leazas royal family after Rance was crowned king.

アーヤ・藤ノ宮 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 15/30
Skill Level(s): Medicine LV2, Divine Magic LV1

A young (but highly talented) doctor working at the Leazas Genius Hospital.

She is fascinated with her work and enjoys treating patients suffering from rare diseases to test her medical prowess. Despite this, she both speaks and moves at an extremely slow pace, making her appear to lack energy at all times.

As she has had to deal with countless naked patients throughout her career, she has grown disinterested in sex, and is unable to become aroused as a result.

ミル・ヨークス (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 7/34
Skill Level(s): Summoning LV1

The youngest of the four witches of Custom and the younger sister of Milli. Skilled in spirit magic, she can conjure powerful spirit beasts to fight for her in battle.

A precocious girl who desires to be treated like an *****, she has been in love with Rance ever since he took her virginity while her appearance was altered to appear much older when under the corrupting influence of the Phil Rings.

While she desires to become one of Rance's women, his disinterest in children causes him to brush her off due to her age, much to her annoyance.

来水 美樹 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 1/∞
Skill Level(s): Demon King LV1

A young girl from a dimension very similar to our own who was chosen by Demon King Gai as his successor against her will. While she was rescued from his clutches by her boyfriend Kentarou, Gai had already successfully transmitted his blood into her, making her the next Demon King.

Currently, the Demons are caught in a civil war between those who desire to follow Gai's wishes and make her the new Demon King and those who oppose her. Miki herself has no desire to become the Demon King, and travels the continent with Kentarou in search of a way to return her body to normal.

While she is normally a gentle, timid girl, as the Demon King, she possesses immeasurable power that far surpasses even the strongest demons. In order to keep this power under control, she is required to eat a rare hirami lemon that is only grown at the top of a mountain in rural Helman every three months.

ミリ・ヨークス (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 15/28
Skill Level(s): Sword Combat LV1

A female warrior from the Free City of Custom with an insatiable lust for sex.

The older sister of Mill, she became a steadfast ally of Rance when he assisted her in freeing her sister and friends from the corrupting power of the Phil Rings.

She does not discriminate based on gender, and pursues both men and women in her sexual conquests. Because of this, Rance views her as his ultimate rival.

小川 健太郎 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 25/100
Skill Level(s): Sword Combat LV2

An ordinary young man from a dimension very similar to our own whose life was changed forever when his girlfriend Miki was kidnapped by the Demon King Gai to become his successor.

While he was able to successfully follow them to the continent and rescue Miki, he was unable to stop her from becoming the new Demon King, and is now currently in search of a way to reverse it.

A kendo champion in his home dimension, he is a naturally talented swordsman. He is the wielder of the Holy Sword Nikkou, one of two magical blades capable of piercing the invincibility fields that protect demons from conventional damage.

セル・カーチゴルフ (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 20/44
Skill Level(s): Divine Magic LV1

A loyal nun of the AL Church who serves at the church in the Free City of Red.

She previously assisted Rance and the Leazas Liberation Army defeat the invading Helman forces during the events of Rance III. While she managed to avoid giving her chastity to Rance during this time, she was forced to spend a night with the Demonic Sword Chaos in order to restore him to his full power. Currently, Chaos remains sealed within her church to keep his amazing power in check.

A young woman who sincerely believes that all people can change through the power of god, she desperately wants Rance to become a better man, and refuses to allow him access to Chaos until he does so.

運河 さより (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 1/7
Skill Level(s): N/A

The owner of the amusement park M-Land located in the Free City Alliance.

A beautiful widow, she has chosen to continue maintaining M-Land in honor of her deceased husband, who created the park with the intention of bringing happiness to children. While she is beloved by all who know her, the excessive expenses that are required in order to keep M-Land running have caused her community to fall into financial ruin.

When asked by Rance to become a member of his harem, she agrees, on the condition that he use a portion of Leazas' national budget to fund M-Land.

カオス (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 0/0
Skill Level(s): Thief LV2, Sword Combat LV1

A legendary sword of obscene power that is one of only three weapons in existence capable of piercing through the invincibility field of a demon. He is actually a sentient creature, and has an incredibly perverted personality that allows him to manifest phantom limbs in order to grope women.

He was once a human and a member of the Legendary Five, the greatest adventuring party in history, but was turned into a sword after he requested for the god Planner to give him the power to pierce the invincibility field.

While he was once sealed deep within Leazas castle alongside the Demon King Gilles, he was freed by Rance during the events of Rance III in order to defeat the invading demons. During this time, he came to see Rance as a kindred spirit due to their shared perverted tendencies, and began to refer to him as his "soul brother".

Currently, he resides sealed within Cell Curchgolf's church in the Free City of Red in order to keep his power from falling into the wrong hands.

篠田 源五郎 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 3/12
Skill Level(s): Strategy LV2

A highly eccentric man who is nonetheless rumored to be the greatest tactician on the Continent.

While he previously worked as a mercenary, offering his strategic abilities to whoever payed him the most, he quickly grew tired of military combat, finding it "too boring", and retired. Soon afterward, however, he discovered the sport of American football and, realizing the complex strategic elements of it, dedicated his life to the game.

He is deeply infatuated with Unga Sayori, and is only willing to resume his military career if he is able to take her as his bride.

グラック・アルカポネ (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 20/25
Skill Level(s): Mafioso LV2

The head of the DX Association, the Continent's largest criminal syndicate based in the Free City of Rockearth.

While superficially charming and charismatic, he is actually an incredibly ruthless and conniving man who sees other people as tools to be manipulated. He specializes in creating SEX slaves by breaking the minds of captured women until they are both physically and mentally completely dependent on sex.

He carries a particular grudge against Helman's Katyuscha and Saulnia, and is willing to do everything in his power to have his revenge against them.

あてな2号 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: N/A
Skill Level(s): N/A

An artificial human created by the witch Frostvine using magic and the essences of an angel and a devil. Due to complications in the creation process, however, she is extremely unintelligent and generally acts more like a dog than she does a human.

She was adopted by Rance as his personal pet. While he occasionally brings her along on his adventures with him, he abandoned her in his former home in the Free City of Ice when he became the leader of the bandits and quickly forgot about her existence entirely after becoming the King of Leazas.

フルル・バーン (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 1/3
Skill Level(s): Piano LV1

Cordoba's wife. She fell in love with her husband after he saved her family from debt collectors.

While she is much younger than Cordoba, her love for him is genuine, and the two are regularly described as the perfect couple. Despite this, Rance's jealousy over Cordoba having a beautiful wife causes him to attempt to interfere with their relationship.

あおい (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 1/6
Skill Level(s): N/A

One of the DX Association's signature SEX slaves, kidnapped girls who have had their minds broken and become completely dependent on sex after constant sexual torture.

She is given to Rance by Gracq as a gift after he allies Leazas with the DX Association. Very quickly, however, Rance finds himself put off by her constant need for sexual gratification.

ザラック (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

A soldier of the Leazas Red Army and Menad's boyfriend.

Menad believes him to be the only person who values her for more than simply her fighting abilities. However, he is actually manipulating Menad in order to extort money from the Red Army's funds and live more comfortably, and cares little about her otherwise.

加藤 疾風 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Suzume's father and a member of the Black Army.

A cruel man who isn't particularly skilled as a soldier, he instead uses his daughter's body to improve his own standing within the country.

加藤 すずめ (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 1/7
Skill Level(s): Maid Lv1

A timid maid working in Leazas castle. Her father has used her body to increase his own standing within the country, which has resulted in her becoming a withdrawn and apathetic person.

Rance takes a particular amount of interest in her after becoming king of Leazas, and makes her one of his most frequent playthings almost instantly.

竹中 もこもこ (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 1/6
Skill Level(s): N/A

A student from Leazas. She is generally clumsy and unintelligent, and gets very poor grades as a result. Because of this, she frequently gets into fights with her parents, who want her to do better in school.

After running into Rance, she requests to join his harem in order to avoid having to face her parents after getting another bad grade.

書庫の幽霊 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Age: Unknown
Level/Level Cap: 1/1
Skill Level(s): N/A

The spirit of a girl who died before she was able to find the book she wanted. She now haunts the library of Leazas castle, continuing to search for it in order to pass on to the next life.

カパーラ・ウーチ (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 0/5
Skill Level(s): N/A

A local idol singer in Leazas who is sponsored by Nadate TV. While she is a talented singer, her record sales are low due to their low production values, causing her to struggle to establish herself in the industry.

Rance takes a particular amount of interest in her after seeing her perform on Magic Vision, and can potential help her career by giving her funding.

ウェンディ・クルミラー (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 1/10
Skill Level(s): Maid Lv1

An energetic maid working in Leazas castle. While Wendy performs all of her duties as a maid efficiently and excellently, she has a hidden desire to be sexually punished by her master for doing them poorly. Since Rance has become the king of Leazas, she hopes that she will finally be able to achieve this desire.

火星大王 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Age: Late 20s
Level/Level Cap: 15/22
Skill Level(s): Spirit Magic LV2

The mayor of the Free City of Mars. A strange and mysterious man who dresses in a bizarre fashion, peppers his language with alien words and moves exclusively through a strange dance known as the slide skip.

He is actually an artificial human created by the alien race known as the Kuripistonians, whose planet was accidentally destroyed by Rance in an earlier adventure. He was created with the purpose of collecting human women to be sent back to his creators and used for breeding.

メリム・ツェール (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 5/23
Skill Level(s): Thief LV1

A daughter of a Helman noble family who was sold as a servant to Councilman Bicci Golch after her family lost its fortune. She was later freed by Rance during his adventure in the floating city of Yllapu. Now free, she enjoys exploring ruins in order to find hidden relics and uncover information about humanity's past.

Currently, she serves as a member of the militia of the Free City of Toushin City, acting as its leader in the absence of its mayor YORA. She is perfectly fine with allowing Leazas to conquer the city, and hopes that its resources will allow her to expand her ruin expeditions.

She is actually the younger sister of Ruberan Tser, head of Helman's ruin defense force. While the two have not seen each other for a very long time, they still keep in touch through letters.

サーナキア・ドレルシュカフ (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Age: 238 (physically 18)
Level/Level Cap: 20/22
Skill Level(s): Sword Combat Lv1, Shield Combat Lv1

A young female knight from the nation of Dallas, which existed hundreds of years in the past. 220 years ago, she was chosen to lead an expedition team in the floating city of Yllapu, but was petrified along the way. She was freed from her prison by Rance centuries later, who introduced himself by raping her. She has since vowed to have her revenge against him.

She is deeply insecure about her status as a woman, and tries to hide her gender as much as possible. In addition, she carries something of a complex about her strength, which, while decent, is far below that of other more talented warriors.

Currently, she serves as the militia captain of the Free City of Toushin City, built from the remains of Yllapu. Upon learning that Leazas is attempting to conquer it, she disregards all peaceful alternatives posed by the city's other officials in order to have her revenge against Rance on the battlefield.

パルオット (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

One of the five AList bishops who serve under Pope Mulalaloux.

The youngest of the bishops, he is entrusted with commanding the organization's personal army the Templar Knights. If a nation is considered to be in opposition to the church he, along with all of the bishops besides Salbenaot, will lead the ALists of the region in riotous protests against the government.

レィリィ・芹夏 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 2/17
Skill Level(s): Secretary Lv1

The secretary of Mayor Amuro of the Free City of Lazeal.

A talented and dedicated civil servant, she secretly harbors feelings for her mayor, and hopes that by working hard she may gain his attention.

She immediately catches Rance's eye when he negotiates to gain control over Lazeal, and will dutifully enter into his harem if he allows the city two months to prepare before conquering it.

ガーウィン・トローフ (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Captain of the AL Church's personal army the Templar Knights.

A deeply devoted follower of the Pope, he will loyally follow any order that he is given and will work tirelessly to eliminate any perceived enemies of the Church.

Should Rance ally himself with the AL Church and visit its headquarters frequently enough, Mulalaloux will offer Gurwin and his men to him as a gift.

サルベナオット (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

One of the five AList bishops who serve under Pope Mulalaloux.

Referred to as "The Voice of God", he serves as the Pope's representative in all affairs outside of the Church's island headquarters. Due to the Pope's corrupt nature, his primary job is to collect the monthly donations from each of the Continent's major nations.

エリザベート・デス (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 3/6
Skill Level(s): N/A

A dedicated follower of ALism who serves under Pope Mulalaloux directly at the religion's headquarters.

She is deeply religious and willing to do whatever the Pope orders her to, even becoming a part of Rance's harem. Her devotion is so strong that she will take her own life should the Pope lose his.

セシル・カーナ (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Age: Unknown
Level/Level Cap: 22/42
Skill Level(s): Sword Combat LV1

A serious female mercenary. While stunningly beautiful, she is also coldhearted, and is willing to work with anyone willing to pay enough money. She is currently under the employ of Pluepet. She is both a talented warrior and an excellent field commander, allowing her to command large armies with ease.

She is old friends with Milli Yorks, and shares a friendly rivalry with her. Unlike Milli, however, Cecil has no interest in being hired for her body, and sharply rejects all advances that Rance makes towards her.

ルイス・キートワック (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 25/39
Skill Level(s): Sword Combat LV1

A rowdy mercenary who is willing to work for anyone and perform any job so long as the pay is good enough. He is currently under the employ of Pluepet. While crass and uncouth, his skills are unquestionable.

While Rance is generally dismissive of Louis due to his being an ugly man, Louis actually appreciates the new king's frank treatment of him. As most of his contractors are afraid of him, Louis is unable to speak with them as casually as he is with Rance.

レベッカ・コプリ (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 1/6
Skill Level(s): N/A

A young woman who possesses the incredibly rare power of a fukuman, which allows her to bestow great luck to any men who sleep with her.

In order to pay off her parents' debt to Pluepet, she was sold to him as a slave. Recognizing her incredible ability, Pluepet immediately placed a device onto her forehead that removed her of all free will and began selling her to anyone who desired to improve their luck.

While she is incapable of emoting in any way, she is highly aware of her circumstances to the point of being suicidal. As a result of the seal on her forehead, however, she is unable to carry out her wishes.

プルーペット (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 10/15
Skill Level(s): Merchant LV1

A shrewd and wealthy merchant from the Free City of Portugal who owns several successful businesses across the Continent. Despite his appearance, he insists that he is human.

He has served as the personal merchant for the Leazas royal family for several years, and continues to do so after Rance is crowned king. While Rance is frequently bothered by him, he recognizes that the items he sells are of invaluable quality.

While he may initially seem innocent , he has no problems with performing unscrupulous tasks so long as their is a profit guaranteed. In particular, he is willing to brainwash women who possess the talents of a fukuman in order to convert them into mindless sex slaves to sell to his customers. Rebecca is the most recent victim of this practice.

ムーララルー (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 1/5
Skill Level(s): Persuasion LV2

The current pope of the AL Church, the most widely-practiced religion on the Continent.

An incredibly charismatic and highly manipulative man, he takes full advantage of his position in order to extort money from the major nations of the world. If a nation fails to pay its monthly donation to the church, he will declare them to be agents of evil and command his followers to riot against them.

He possesses a book passed down through generations of popes that contains information on the entire history of the Continent, past, present and future. The book accurately predicted Rance's ascension to the throne of Leazas and, as it also foretold that he would bring chaos to the world, Mulalaloux anxiously awaits the brutal warrior's every action.

シャリエラ・アリエス (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 1/1
Skill Level(s): N/A

One of many servant girls working under Sultan Luce Descoco The 387th in the desert paradise of Shangri-La.

Despite her human appearance, she, like all of Descoco's other servants, is actually an incredibly realistic looking doll with no free will of her own. Considered incompetent by Descoco and the other dolls, she is generally treated with scorn. Despite this, Rance becomes very fond of her during his stay in Shangri-La, choosing to spend more time with her than any of the other servant girls. This gradually causes her to develop feelings for him, something that an artifical doll like herself is not meant to have./

ベクドラン (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

One of the five AList bishops who serve under Pope Mulalaloux.

Pope Mulaloux's personal advisor, he handles most of his leader's day-to-day affairs for him. He is extremely loyal to the Pope and performs all of his work diligently. While he rarely leaves the AL Church headquarters, he will assist his fellow bishops in leading revolts against nations that are recognized as enemies of god when he is required to.

セコナオット (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Age: Unknown
Level/Level Cap: 10/30
Skill Level(s): Persuasion Lv1

One of the five AList bishops who serve under Pope Mulalaloux.

The bishop instructed with the task of overseeing the lower-ranking members of the Church. A perverted man, he abuses his position to take advantage of countless devout young women. During times of war, he assists the other bishops in leading civilian revolts against nations deemed enemies of ALism.

コンタオット (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

One of the five AList bishops who serve under Pope Mulalaloux.

The bishop tasked with managing the Church's collected donations. He is a heavy drinker, and frequently smells of alcohol. Recently, he has begun to suspect the Pope of pocketing a large portion of the gathered finances for his own personal use. During times of war, he joins his fellow bishops in leading revolts against enemies of the Church.

ルチェ・デスココ387世 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 1/3
Skill Level(s): Merchant LV1

The Sultan of the mysterious paradise known as Shangri-La located somewhere in the Kinani Desert that separates Helman's southern border from the rest of the Continent.

Once a simple merchant who was relentlessly mocked for his ugly appearance, he found Aladdin's lamp while wandering through the desert and wished to become the king of his own nation.

A deeply paranoid man, his distrust of other people caused him to drive all humans besides himself away from Shangri-La. For company, he surrounds himself with soulless dolls that resemble human women and spends all of his days living in empty pleasure with them./

織田 信長 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 89/200
Skill Level(s): Spear Combat LV2, Sword Combat LV1

An extraordinarily powerful warlord who recently unified the eastern nation of JAPAN through sheer overwhelming military force. Unwilling to settle for conquering a single nation, he quickly sets his sights on going to war with the rest of the Continent.

A viscous man who believes that anything can be accomplished with brute force, he is notorious for being a cruel and violent person. His strength is noted to be so great that it seems to be inhuman, and his fighting ability so excellent that he has apparently never once taken even a single scratch on the battlefield. However, this strength is not entirely his own, a secret that he keeps carefully hidden away from others.

His absurd strength makes it difficult for him to sire an heir, as women who are impregnated by him almost always die before being able to give birth. He sees the sole child that he has successfully managed to produce, his daughter Kou, as a disappointment due to her gentle and quiet disposition. Because of this, he remains in constant search for women strong enough to carry his seed.

ハウセスナース (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Age: Over 6,000
Level/Level Cap: 0/0
Skill Level(s): N/A

The Holy Gal Monster of earth. She possesses the power to terraform the earth in order to create new (or destroy existing) land. Despite having the appearance and mannerisms of a young girl, she is actually thousands of years old.

Hundreds of years ago, she was captured by the first sultan of Shangri-La, who used her power to remove all roads to the country and make it impregnable to outsiders. Throughout this time, she was kept as a slave in a hidden basement and treated as little more than a tool and sexual outlet by the country's various sultans. As a result, she has grown to become distrustful and bitter towards humans.

怪獣王子 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

The prince of the kaiju, a strange and mysterious race of monsters from another world. He travels across various dimensions in search of new lands and to help monsters in need, accompanied by his younger sister and their personal army.

In contrast to his rather goofy appearance, he is actually as mature, suave and intelligent as you would expect a prince to be. In addition, he is extremely powerful, to the point of being comparable to a demon in terms of strength alone, and is an excellent commander who can easily lead his troops to a decisive victory. Overall, he is the ideal warrior prince.

While he often comes into conflict with humans due to their frequent mistreatment of monsters, he does not dislike them, and is in fact perfectly willing to assist any who prove themselves to be allies to monsterkind.

アリスちゃん (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

The official mascot of Alice Soft. A polite young girl who often communicates with the player as a medium in some Alice Soft games. She sometimes represent marketing upcoming Alice Soft games in trailers and advertisements.

She is accompanied by her pet black crow named Yukichi.

玉籤 風華 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Tamagushi Fuuka was a common Miko of JAPAN. At some point, Fuuka experienced a mysterious accident and she was found unconcious by the local population on the outskirts of a small town in territories of the Oda House. When she regained conciousness, she realized that she had no memories of her life, and was given the name Fuuka temporarily. She quickly noticed her abilities as a Miko and used her talent as a healer to assist the townsfolk in exchange of basic necessities. She frequented on the humble shop set by Oda Nobunaga and Kouhime in Owari, forming a casual friendship with Kou, and she was eventually noticed by the secret ruler of the Oda House Rance when he arrived to JAPAN.
Interested in her abilities as a Miko and finding her a very attractive woman, he convinced her to join as a commander of the Oda House in exchange of providing her living comfort. She was initially reluctant since she thought of herself as a problematic person without any clear past, but Rance wasn't troubled by it and insisted on joining anyway, which she accepted./

From url=https://alicesoft.fandom.com/wiki/Tamagushi_FuukaAliceSoft Wiki

月光 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap 46/46
Skill Level(s): Ninja Lv2

The personal ninja of Oda Nobunaga.

Described as his lord's shadow, he is always close by Nobunaga's side, hidden away in the shadows and ready to carry out any orders given to him. An outstanding ninja of legendary ability, he excels in assassination and sabotage, and is capable of killing seasoned military commanders with ease. He shows loyalty only towards Nobunaga and shows no remorse whatsoever to his enemies.

He is never seen without his companion and fellow ninja Shinobu, who he has raised since infancy after finding her abandoned on a battlefield years ago. In order to gain his lord's permission to adopt the child, Gekkou willingly cut off his own left arm, stating that she would serve as his arm from that point forward.

柴田 勝家 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 27/46
Skill Level(s): Spear Combat Lv2

A loyal soldier of Oda House who serves under Nobunaga as one of his chief commanders.

A hotblooded and excitable man that lives for battle, he is eager to go to war outside of JAPAN in order to fight against warriors from other countries. He dislikes negotiating and politics in general, and is only satisfied when on the battlefield.

Additionally, he is a lolicon, though that information doesn't come up here.

しのぶ (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 30/47
Skill Level(s): Ninja Lv2

The personal kunoichi of Oda Nobunaga.

A war orphan who was found as a baby by Gekkou, he was allowed to raise her as his partner upon cutting off his own arm. A silent and dedicated young girl, she will do whatever it takes to assist Gekkou in accomplishing his goals, and will slaughter anyone who stands in her way to do so.

As a kunoichi, she is skilled in the art of seduction, taking advantage of powerful pheromones to seduce men into have sex with her, only to kill them using poison hidden inside of her body. Her youth belies her considerable sexual abilities.

山本 五十六 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 24/37
Skill Level(s): Bow Combat Lv2

The former princess of the Yamamoto household in the nation of JAPAN, which was destroyed by Nobunaga after being defeated in war against Oda.

An outstanding archer with a soldier's discipline, Isoroku was allowed to serve under Oda as one of its commanders following her house's destruction. While she dutifully follows Nobunaga's orders, she secretly despises him and holds no true loyalty to Oda. Her dream is to one day restore the Yamamoto household to its former glory.

香姫 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Level/Level Cap: 1/46
Skill Level(s): N/A

Nobunaga's daughter and only child. A quiet and compassionate young woman who is fearful of her father's destructive ambition but too timid to stand against him. She dreams of a peaceful world, but knows all too well that creating one is close to impossible.

She covers her left hand with a glove at all times. While no one has seen it, it is said to possess a mysterious power that allows her to see beyond the confines of the mortal world.

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