【Gal】【PC/PE/汉化】壳之少女 / 殻ノ少女

【Gal】【PC/PE/汉化】壳之少女 / 殻ノ少女









殻ノ少女 (壳之少女)

发行日期: 2008-07-04 | 限制级: 是 | 开发商: Innocent Grey




時坂 玲人 (暂无译名)

CV: 竹内 良太

Occupation: Private investigator
Hobbies: Reading (history books in particular)

Our protagonist; a private detective that specializes in particularly brutal murder cases. He was formerly a detective in the police force but quit after he lost his fiance. Lives together with his little sister Yukari. He doesn’t stay at home much because he puts his work above everything else. Loves to pore over history books whenever he has free time. Reiji infiltrates Ouba Girls Academy as a substitute history teacher.

”It’s easy to understand why these criminals do what they do if you give it a little thought.”


時坂 紫 (暂无译名)

CV: 瑞沢 渓

Occupation: Student at Ouba Girls Academy (a member of the art club)
Hobbies: Entomology; raising and keeping bugs

An old-fashioned, reliable type of girl. Takes care of her older brother, who happens to be helpless when it comes down to household chores. Stops by Reiji’s office periodically to help him clean it up. An academic like her brother, but with interests rooted in entomology. She keeps various insects inside her room. Don’t let your guard down around her, as some of her insect friends may turn up on the dinner table when you least expect it.

”All I want to do is be there for you, Nii-san.”

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朽木 冬子 (暂无译名)

CV: 前田 恵

Occupation: Student at Ouba Girls Academy (a member of the art club)
Hobbies: Sketching, going out for walks at night

Very pretty on the outside. Mature. Her manner of speech doesn’t fit her image—a mysterious girl who doesn’t seem to fit in anywhere. Possesses conflicting emotions about who she really is and hires Reiji to find her ”true self.” She’s the type of girl who’s apt to do some outlandish things if the thought strikes her.

”I want you to look for something. Me. My true self.”


水原 透子 (暂无译名)

CV: 深雪 ゆあ

Occupation: Student at Ouba Girls Academy (a member of the art club)
Hobbies: Drawing picture books

Kuchiki Touko’s best friend. They spend a lot of time together. Has a severe inferiority complex due to being a poor girl in a school of rich, well-to-do young ladies. As a result, she hates herself, her mother, and everyone else around her. Practically worships Kuchiki Toko because she’s the only girl that ignores her background. Holds a grudge against Reiji because he gets close to her friend.

”Stay away from Toko, please.”


葉月 杏子 (暂无译名)

CV: 河原木 志穂

Occupation: Owner of Cafe Moon World
Hobbies: Making snacks

A widow who owns Cafe Moon World. An old friend of Reiji’s and one of the few people who knows his past. Used to be best friends with Reiji’s deceased fiance, Yukiko. Since they’ve both lost someone important, they’re able to connect on a different level. Her cafe has a lot of regulars, including Detective Uozumi and Kuchiki Toko as well.

”Hold on a moment. Let me brew you up some of Kyoko’s special blend.”


四十宮 綴子 (暂无译名)

CV: 大咲 茉菜

Occupation: Student at Ouba Girls Academy, aspiring writer
Hobbies: Writing and publishing

Possesses a bright, hyperactive personality. She can be rather noisy at times. Personality-wise, the complete opposite of Yukari, but for some reason, the two are best friends. She’s already been published in literary magazines, but she keeps her activities a secret from the academy. Reiji calls her ”Tojiko” because he thinks ”Tsuzuriko” is too hard to pronounce. She seems to admire the student body president, Tsukishima Orihime.

”I specialize in mystery novels. ...And who the heck are you calling Tojiko!?”


魚住 夾三 (暂无译名)

CV: 尾崎 淳

Occupation: Detective
Hobbies: Fishing

A detective with a towering frame. Adept at the physical aspects of the occupation, including footwork. Met Reiji when they were both students; they joined the force and worked under the same supervisor. Still relies on Reiji for help with some cases. Though they tend to joke around with each other, his brawny strength is a good compliment to Reiji's critical thinking skills.

"That's a hell of a way to greet your friend when he's going out of his way to get you what you requested."


雨宮 初音 (暂无译名)

CV: 高野直子

Occupation: Waitress at Cafe Moon World
Hobbies: Cooking (still in training)

A girl who works at Cafe Moon World. Gives her all to everything she does. Used to help out at the brothel Yukishiro, but after the establishment was shut down, Madam Ujaku took Hatsune under her wing and gave her the name Amemiya. She learned how to write from Shugo when they both lived at the Yukishiro, so she gets mad if you say anything bad about him.

”Umm, you can just call me Hatsune. I’m not really used to it yet...”


高城 秋五 (暂无译名)

CV: 岡崎 雅紘

A private detective based in Ueno. Used to work with Reiji and Uozumi and still helps out his friends when needed. Married to Kazuna, a former client with whom he shares a lot of history. Since she's currently pregnant, Shugo focuses on less dangerous tasks like investigating cheating spouses and searching for people in order to worry her less./

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He is the younger brother of Natsume.

高城 和菜 (暂无译名)

CV: 安田 未央

Stage actress. Credited under her maiden name, "Kozuki Kazuna". A very well known actress. Went through a lot of crazy things in her past, but ultimately ended up marrying Shugo. Seems to be (comparatively) more calm and mature after getting married... or not. Her chest is still rather flat. Currently taking a break from acting due to pregnancy. Though she stays at home most of the time, she'll stop by Shugo's office from time to time to see to his needs.


高城 夏目 (暂无译名)

CV: 田中 涼子

A coroner who forbids anyone to address her as anything but "Natsume-san". Though she can be rather shady with her words and actions, her skill as a coroner is undisputed. Reiji met her during his time on the force, and still relies on her for important information. However, he tries to stay away from her as much as possible, as she tends to require "something" in exchange for information.


She is the older sister of Shugo.

西園 唯 (暂无译名)

CV: 高城 みつ

Kouhai to Yukari and Touko. Best friends with Sato Ayumu. One of the missing students from the academy.

From url=http://www.mangagamer.com/r18/Titles/Details/359B59DA-2B1C-4FD1-8574-58C8343CF220/kara-no-shoujoMangaGamer

佐東 歩 (暂无译名)

CV: 河原木 志穂

Nishizono Yui's best friend. As a result, she runs into Yukari and the rest of the art club members a lot. Became rather depressed after Yui disappeared, and as a result doesn't talk to others much.

From url=http://www.mangagamer.com/r18/Titles/Details/359B59DA-2B1C-4FD1-8574-58C8343CF220/kara-no-shoujoMangaGamer

月島 織姫 (暂无译名)

CV: 瑞沢 渓

Occupation: Student at Ouba Girls Academy, student body president
Hobbies: Reading

A talented girl that serves as Ouba Girls Academy's student council president. Comes from an extremely wealthy and influential family. Her charisma makes her an idol of many of her classmates.

Orihime was trying to disturb the social order by gathering female students in Tokyo who were suppressed just like her and forming a prostitution group and she uses contraceptives regularly. However, she's starting to regret her action as the members began to be killed one after another. /

"Sensei, do you believe that Heaven and Hell exist?"

From url=http://www.mangagamer.com/r18/Titles/Details/359B59DA-2B1C-4FD1-8574-58C8343CF220/kara-no-shoujoMangaGamer and

日下 達彦 (暂无译名)

CV: 鈴木 貴征

Yukari and Co.'s homeroom teacher. A highly unassuming person; doesn't stand out very much. Advises Reiji that the school rules do not allow for much interaction between siblings. Appears to sympathize with Reiji as he struggles to deal with the seemingly emotionless students that lack any trace of individuality.


佐伯 時生 (暂无译名)

CV: 馬並 硬太

Vice principal of Ouba Girls Academy; faculty advisor to the art club. Hires Reiji to search for the missing students at his school. Pleads with him to conduct an investigation within school grounds in order to prevent any more casualties.


朱崎 寧々 (暂无译名)

CV: 西口 有香

School nurse at Ouba Girls Academy. Ensures the students' well-being and keeps records of their physical examinations. It looks like you'll have to meet with her frequently to get information about your investigation.


朽木 千鶴 (暂无译名)

CV: 西口 有香

Touko's mother. A very quiet, gloomy lady that seems rather sickly. Doesn't get out much; devotes all her time to her household duties.


朽木 文弥 (暂无译名)

CV: 岡崎 雅紘

Touko's uncle. A calm, friendly man. Touko is very precious to him.


山ノ内 小春 (暂无译名)

CV: 高城 みつ

An obstetrician at the Kuchiki Pathological Research Institute. A gentle person with a serious demeanor who likes taking care of people. Helps out during Reiji's investigation. Due to the small amount of doctors they have available, she often has to help with things other than her actual field of obstetrics.

"If you understand that... You’re not a child, so you know what you have to do, right?"


朽木 靖匡 (暂无译名)

CV: 馬並 硬太

Touko's grandfather. He seems to be a very grumpy fellow. He is also the chief physician in charge of running the hospital.

西藤 環 (暂无译名)

CV: 池田 知聡

A psychiatrist at the hospital owned by the Kuchiki family.

His real name is Rokushiki Makoto. He committed a string of serial murders in 1950, in which Reiji's fiancee was one of the victims./

八木沼 了一 (暂无译名)

CV: 原田 友貴

A police officer who was part of the investigation team for the Ueno's serial killer and murder mystery. After the case got solved, he was transferred and promoted and has become a police officer of the National Police Agency in the Kara no Shoujo series.

葛城 シン (暂无译名)

CV: 野宮 一範

Novelist, author of the famous novel "The Egg of Neanis."

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【Gal】【PC/PE/汉化】壳之少女 / 殻ノ少女 - Hikarinagi
【Gal】【PC/PE/汉化】壳之少女 / 殻ノ少女


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