【Gal】【PC/汉化】ToHeart2 AnotherDays / 心之彼端2 AnotherDays 

【Gal】【PC/汉化】ToHeart2 AnotherDays / 心之彼端2 AnotherDays 


《ToHeart2 AnotherDays》是Leaf公司预定于12月14日发售的18禁美少女游戏,添加了众多女配角作为主线的另一个《ToHeart2》。官网以“那是个没有被讲述的另一个季节的故事”作为宣传词。 


ToHeart2 AnotherDays (暂无译名)

发行日期: 2008-02-29 | 限制级: 是 | 开发商: Leaf / AQUAPLUS

To Heart 2 - Another Days places the player in the shoes of Kouno Takaaki, a second year high school student living life one day at a time. The story officially takes place sometime after the events of To Heart 2 and assumes Takaaki is on friendly terms with all ten original ******es, but has not gotten romantically involved with any of them. Taking this idea a little further, Takaaki now has a new burden to deal with on top of the usual stuff: he has earned a bad reputation as a gigolo and casanova in school (the girls openly refer to him as such, the boys sigh in envy and even some of the teachers partake in the ribbing).

Yuumei's Rants



十波 由真 (暂无译名)

CV: 生天目 仁美

Yuma is in the same grade as the protagonist from a neighboring class and close friends with Manaka. She is very high-strung and aggressive who rides a bike, and for some reason always collides with Takaaki in many embarrassing situations. This is not helped by the fact that she always holds Takaaki at fault, and her attempts to challenge him to duels always end up worse off than they began. After losing to Takaaki in any way, she often points to him and famously says, "Don't think you've already won this!" She lives in a rich family and is being trained to take over her grandfather's business.

From url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_To_Heart_series_characters#To_Heart_2

向坂 環 (暂无译名)

CV: 伊藤 静

Tamaki is also childhood friends with both Konomi and Takaaki: the two see her as an older sister. She left them when they were both children, having to go to an all-girls boarding school. Her promise to come back to Takaaki and Konomi in the final year of high school is what prompted her to leave her boarding school. In the game, she is one year ahead of Takaaki. She is very confident and comes from a rich family. She is well-versed in traditional Japanese arts and traditions, yet still is a modern girl in her own right. In her group consisting of Konomi, Takaaki and Yuuji, she is the strong and dominant personality and acts as the older sister figure. She often addresses herself as "Tama-onee-chan".

In the game's Tamaki scenario, she is followed by a group of three girls from her boarding school. The three attempt to separate her from Takaaki as they are "in love" with her. In the process of evading the girls, she declares Takaaki to be her boyfriend and proves it with a kiss: at which point the three girls realize they have failed and return to their school./

From url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_To_Heart_series_characters#To_Heart_2

笹森 花梨 (暂无译名)

CV: 中島沙樹

Karin is in the same grade as Takaaki and the founder and only member of the "Mystery Club" before she manages to blackmail Takaaki into joining. Despite the name, the "Mystery Club" does not really read mystery novels or engage in real-life detective work, but is more a club for the occult, the supernatural, and unexplained. Most consider Karin an oddball, not only because of her interest in UFOs, but because of little things, such as her love for egg sandwiches and singing an odd nursery rhyme about eggs, as well.

From url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_To_Heart_series_characters#To_Heart_2

柚原 このみ (暂无译名)

CV: 長谷 優里奈

Konomi is To Heart 2's main ******e. She is a childhood friend of Takaaki, whom she is neighbors with. Konomi has a childish and energetic personality and sometimes refer to herself in third person. She often makes an attempt at cooking, despite that her culinary skills are often doubted by Takaaki. Konomi is one year younger than Takaaki, and is still a junior high school student when the story begins, but later commutes to Takaaki's high school during the new school term.

From url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_To_Heart_series_characters#To_Heart_2

河野 貴明 (暂无译名)

CV: 梶 裕貴

Takaaki is the main male character. He is unvoiced and unseen in the game and makes his first appearance in the anime. Takaaki is childhood friends with Konomi and Tamaki and sees them as a younger sister and older sister. He is a kind young man who, despite his shy nature around girls, is often very kind to them when the situation arises. In the beginning of the story, his parents leave him home alone because of business.

From url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_To_Heart_series_characters#To_Heart_2.

小牧 愛佳 (暂无译名)

CV: 力丸 乃りこ

Manaka is one of the protagonist's classmates and the class representative. She likes to help others out to the point that few realize she is being overburdened by her work. Despite being a good class rep, she has a fairly docile personality otherwise. Manaka assists the library club in marking archived books for barcoding, which causes a few problems since she is not a member. Has a talent for blending tea, which she does as a hobby. She is shy around boys, something Takaaki can empathize with. Despite being busy helping everyone at school, she still makes time to visit her younger sister, Ikuno (who is suffering from the complications of diabetes), who is in the hospital. She develops a crush on Takaaki, and becomes very comfortable with interacting with him as time passes.

From url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_To_Heart_series_characters#To_Heart_2

姫百合 珊瑚 (暂无译名)

CV: 石塚 さより

Sango is the older Himeyuri twin. She is one school year younger than the protagonist, and helped develop the next generation maid gynoids for Kurusugawa Electronics. While she is quite bright in the technical aspect, to others, she seems quite naive and almost childish. Despite her childish attitude, Sango appears to be the "older sister" of the pair and often gives advice to her twin sister, Ruri. Both her and Ruri, speak with an extremely strong Kansai region dialect.

From url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_To_Heart_series_characters#To_Heart_2.

姫百合 瑠璃 (暂无译名)

CV: 吉田 小南美

Ruri is the younger Himeyuri twin. She is one school year younger than the protagonist, and is in the same class as Sango. She is fiercely protective and possessive of her sister, and when Sango finds herself attracted to Takaaki, Ruri becomes jealous and even hostile towards him. She is an excellent cook, as well. Unlike her twin sister, Ruri is not very bright and cannot develop robots. Both her and Sango speak with an extremely strong Kansai region dialect.

From url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_To_Heart_series_characters#To_Heart_2

るーこ・きれいなそら (暂无译名)

CV: 夏樹 リオ

Ruuko is an alien that can communicate with animals. Notable also for other traits, like using matchsticks as currency, writing in Egyptian hieroglyphs, raising her arms and speaking out "rū" (which becomes a trend as a silly way of greeting people), and referring to all humans as "ū".
Blood type: Rh- (?).

久寿川 ささら (暂无译名)

CV: 小野 涼子

Sasara is a new ******e who appears in the releases subsequent to the PlayStation 2 version. She is one school year older than the protagonist and the student council vice-president and later the president. She has a cold demeanor and strict attitude and as a result, her only friend is Maaryan. When it is time for Maaryan to graduate, Sasara is saddened because her only friend would be leaving her and even tries to convince Maaryan not to graduate. Takaaki becomes acquainted with her after he is chosen to be a volunteer to help the student council with an event, but when Sasara becomes president, under certain circumstances he become treasurer. While working with Takaaki in the student council she begin developing her crush on him.

From url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_To_Heart_series_characters#To_Heart_2

ゲンジ丸 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Konomi's very large pet dog, an Old English Sheepdog.

From url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_To_Heart_series_characters#To_Heart_2.

小牧 郁乃 (暂无译名)

CV: 神崎 ちろ

Manaka's younger sister. In To Heart 2, she has a chronic illness that keeps her in the hospital. In Another Days, she moves about outside of hospital, including in school, on a wheelchair for most of her story unlike in "To Heart 2".

From url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_To_Heart_series_characters#To_Heart_2

河野 はるみ (暂无译名)

CV: 山川 琴美

A highly energetic girl who appears out of nowhere and suddenly declares herself to be Takaaki's lover, calling him "darling" and kissing him within moments of introducing herself to him. In reality she is Milfa (ミルファ), a robot with model designation HMX-17b, making her a "sister" of sorts to "HMX-17a Ilfa" and "HMX-17c Silfa". In the original game she borrows the body of a plush toy and is called Micchan in the Himeyuri sisters route./

From url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_To_Heart_series_characters#To_Heart_2.

柚原 春夏 (暂无译名)

CV: 本多 知恵子

Konomi's mother. She is friendly towards Takaaki, enough to entrust him with her own daughter overnight. She often calls him over to eat breakfast or dinner at her house.

From url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_To_Heart_series_characters#To_Heart_2.

向坂 雄二 (暂无译名)

CV: 鳥海 浩輔

Tamaki's younger brother and the protagonist's best friend and classmate. He fills in the role of the "perverted friend". He is often interested in other girls unlike Tamaki, and is often the victim of his elder sister's ire in the form of painful forehead-crushing grips. He often gets jealous of Takaaki "taking" all the girls. He likes cameras, but he likes taking pictures of girls more.

From url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_To_Heart_series_characters#To_Heart_2.

HMX-17a イルファ (暂无译名)

CV: 萩原 えみこ

The newest experimental maid robot from Kurusugawa Electronics, driven by software called 'Dynamic Intelligence Architecture' designed by Sango. The body is customized from the mass-produced HMX-16 'Leon'. Ilfa proposes to work at Sango and Ruri's house during her testing phase which angers Ruri because she takes all her jobs. Even though she is hated by Ruri, Ilfa loves her because Ruri is the one who shows her that the outside world is not frightening. /

From url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_To_Heart_series_characters#To_Heart_2.

まーりゃん (暂无译名)

CV: 小暮 英麻

Age: 19 (in Another Days)

A senior, as well as a former student council president. She only appeared in the PC version of To Heart 2, where she attempted to pair up Takaaki and Sasara. She is notable for using the trademark tendencies of others, e.g., Lucy Maria Misora's "ruu", but she mostly uses the word "maa", which is part of her name. In Another Days, her full name is revealed to be Asagiri Maako. She is referred to as "Maaryan-senpai" by Takaaki.

From url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_To_Heart_series_characters#To_Heart_2

吉岡 チエ (暂无译名)

CV: 太田 佳織

Nicknamed "Yocchi", she is one of Konomi's two main friends from junior-high school. She is more energetic and has green hair. She has the tendency to add "su" to the end of her sentences. She is hell bent on getting Konomi and Takaaki together, not realizing what's in store for herself. She goes to a private school near the protagonist's school.


山田 ミチル (暂无译名)

CV: 笠原 あきら

Nicknamed "Charu", she is one of Konomi's friends from junior-high school. She is soft-spoken and wears glasses. She goes to a private school near the protagonist's school.

From url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_To_Heart_series_characters#To_Heart_2.

菜々子 (暂无译名)

CV: 阪田 佳代

A girl who attends an elementary school. She appeared in Lucy Maria Misora's scenario, believing her to be a magician.

From url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_To_Heart_series_characters#To_Heart_2.

HMX-17c シルファ (暂无译名)

CV: 櫻井 浩美

A robot, she is model HMX-17c, making her a "sister" of sorts to "Ilfa" and "Milfa". She was previously only mentioned in the game. She was shipped to Takaaki's home to serve as his personal maid. Her housekeeping performance however leaves a lot to be desired, plus she's quite emotional for a robot, to the point that she needs to be "disciplined" by HMX-17a Ilfa. She is however extremely shy, if not downright scared, when trying to interact with other people in the society, to the point of being called a "hikki(komori)" by Harumi and has a tendency to cover herself with and stay underneath a cardboard box all the time.

From url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_To_Heart_series_characters#To_Heart_2.

玲於奈 (暂无译名)

CV: 水原 英里

One of the three girls from Tamaki's boarding school which she used to attend.

薫子 (暂无译名)

CV: 牧野 芳奈

One of the three girls from Tamaki's boarding school which she used to attend.

霞 (暂无译名)

CV: 安田 未央

One of the three girls from Tamaki's boarding school which she used to attend.

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图片[2] - 【Gal】【PC/汉化】ToHeart2 AnotherDays / 心之彼端2 AnotherDays  - Hikarinagi
图片[3] - 【Gal】【PC/汉化】ToHeart2 AnotherDays / 心之彼端2 AnotherDays  - Hikarinagi
图片[4] - 【Gal】【PC/汉化】ToHeart2 AnotherDays / 心之彼端2 AnotherDays  - Hikarinagi
【Gal】【PC/汉化】ToHeart2 AnotherDays / 心之彼端2 AnotherDays  - Hikarinagi
【Gal】【PC/汉化】ToHeart2 AnotherDays / 心之彼端2 AnotherDays 



