身为司令官「塔克特?马亚兹」的玩家,将带领月天使队的 6 位美少女们共同执行任务。本游戏的目的有 2 个,除了对抗已经被镇压的反抗军无人舰队外,另外一个目的就是和月天使队的成员们,以对话或是共同作战的方式提高她们的信赖度以及好感度,保持良好的精神状态。并且,最重要的就是照顾好那选为伴侣的女孩。只要女主角对你的好感度越高,在战斗上的表现也会越好。
依循游戏的行进,玩家需因应任务的要求,来安排作战布局(SLG),如攻击、护卫和修补等。当正式进入战斗就变成即时对战,敌我双方所有战舰皆同时动作。我方战舰会立刻执行玩家所下达的指令,亦可临场应变更新作战指令。新追加的驾驶舱第一人称视点,更是直击敌我双方的攻击策略。透过精致的 3D 贴图技术、战场视角的自由切换,让玩家身历其境体验战斗画面。
在战斗之馀的日常生活中,玩家与主舰人员以及 6 位美少女队员,展开对话模式,触发事件(ADV)的游戏进程。她们对你的好感度将产生不同的故事结局,且在战斗中美少女的表现也会因此有所消长。
ギャラクシーエンジェル Moonlit Lovers (银河天使 月夜情人)
发行日期: 2003-08-22 | 限制级: 否 | 开发商: BROCCOLI
《银河天使:月夜情人(GALAXY ANGEL:Moonlit Lovers)》,是以日本人气动漫作品为主题的「银河天使」系列版续作。前一作品《银河天使》是 BROCCOLI 力捧的跨多媒体计画,不仅跨足漫画、小说、动画、玩具领域,连游戏版本也推出了 PC、PS2 及 Xbox 等版本。此次续作除了依循前作的风格外,还带来革新的作战介面、更多样化的对话事件,让玩家一步步决定这群美少女们的爱恋情事。
身为司令官「塔克德‧麦雅兹」的玩家,将带领月天使队的 6 位美少女们共同执行任务。本游戏的目的有 2 个,除了对抗已经被镇压的反抗军无人舰队外,另外一个目的就是和月天使队的成员们,以对话或是共同作战的方式提高她们的信赖度以及好感度,保持良好的精神状态。并且,最重要的就是照顾好那选为伴侣的女孩。只要女主角对你的好感度越高,在战斗上的表现也会越好。
依循游戏的行进,玩家需因应任务的要求,来安排作战布局(SLG),如攻击、护卫和修补等。当正式进入战斗就变成即时对战,敌我双方所有战舰皆同时动作。我方战舰会立刻执行玩家所下达的指令,亦可临场应变更新作战指令。新追加的驾驶舱第一人称视点,更是直击敌我双方的攻击策略。透过精致的 3D 贴图技术、战场视角的自由切换,让玩家身历其境体验战斗画面。
在战斗之馀的日常生活中,玩家与主舰人员以及 6 位美少女队员,展开对话模式,触发事件(ADV)的游戏进程。她们对你的好感度将产生不同的故事结局,且在战斗中美少女的表现也会因此有所消长。
CV: 新谷 良子
Milfeulle Sakuraba is a member of the Moon Angel Troupe. Her hobby is cooking snacks, particularly cake, and making tea. She pilots the Emblem Frame Lucky Star.
Milfeulle is always caring and cheerful and will never hesitate to help another person, even an enemy. Her extreme luck caused her little but trouble when she was younger and the isolation, combined with her highly emotional nature, causes her to blame herself and her power whenever something goes wrong. Milfeulle is the most naive of the Angels and, though not stupid by any means, she can be clueless and accident-prone. She is incredibly slow to anger, usually becoming sad or disappointed if displeased. Otherwise she is extremely expressive, often accompanying her moods with exaggerated speech and body language. Likewise, she is almost incapable of hatred or antagonism; rather than hating Eonia for what he has done she finds it sad that he is willing to drown the galaxy in blood just because he is unhappy. Milfeulle also dislikes the idea of anyone dying for anyone else, no matter how noble the cause, since it would still create sadness for the loved ones left behind.
Galaxy Angel Wiki
CV: うえだ ゆうじ
Tact was defined by three things: his carefree attitude, his empathic nature and his sharp mind. While on the surface he appeared to be unreliable and lazy, he was actually a highly competent strategist and tactician. As his friend Lester remarks at one point, while Tact's behavior is embarrassing at times, he is at his best when it matters the most.
Galaxy Angel Wiki
CV: かない みか
Vanilla H is the youngest member of the Moon Angel Troupe, and she pilots the Emblem Frame GA-005, also known as Harvester. She has the ability to control nanomachines, which allowes her to treat wounds, and with the assistance of Harvester, repair machinery as well.
A very stoic girl, she hardly ever showed any emotion and spoke in a deadpan voice. She was always seen wearing a headgear featuring a red gem on top, possibly a mark of her family or religion.
Age 13 in GA and 14 in the later games.
Galaxy Angel Wiki
CV: 後藤 沙緒里
Chitose is a member of the Moon Angel Troupe and pilots the Emblem Frame Sharp Shooter.
A traditional, polite, and soft-spoken young woman, Chitose joined the military for two reasons; for her respect and admiration for both her father and the Angel Troupe. Extremely intelligent, Chitose became an elite within the military, scoring the highest marks ever in the military exam, defeating even Milfeuille (whom scored the second highest due to her luck).
Highly experienced in archery, Chitose ends up being chosen as the pilot of the 6th Angel Frame, the "Sharp Shooter", which is designed for extreme range sniping. Chitose greatly respects her friends/teammates in the Angel Troupe, to the point where she wishes not to do anything that might offend them, even to the point of forcing herself to suppress her growing feelings for Tact.
Galaxy Angel Wiki
CV: 田村 ゆかり
Ranpha Franboise is a member of the Moon Angel Troupe and pilots the emblem frame Kung-fu Fighter.
Ranpha is a proud and sometimes harsh woman who can be difficult to approach but is kind to people she considers her friends and is willing to put their feelings and needs before her own. She favours a direct approach to problem solving, often defusing situations with an application of brute force that coincides well with the Kung Fu Fighter's abilities.
Galaxy Angel Wiki
CV: 沢城 みゆき
Mint Blancmanche is a member of the Moon Angel Troupe and pilots the Emblem Frame Trick Master.
Possessing telepathic abilities, Mint can read the surface thoughts of others, even if she doesn't want to. This led to her reluctancy to be with others outside the Angel Troupe. She loves all candy and exotic tea, particularly Orange Pekoe from the planet Nirugi and tea leaf from the Samrong system. Mint also has a fascination for fast food owing to her sheltered life in the Blancmanche family mansion. The one thing she keeps secret from even her closest friends is her hobby of dressing up in animal costumes.
Galaxy Angel Wiki
CV: 山口 眞弓
Forte Stollen is a member of the Moon Angel Troupe and pilots the Emblem Frame Happy Trigger.
Forte is the leader of the Moon Angel Troupe. Being the oldest, Forte acts as the big sister of the group, often giving advice to others. Like many of the other characters in the first game, Forte is less than impressed with the appointment of Tact as the commander of the Elsior and bluntly tells him that she will not consider him her commander until he proves himself. He eventually does, and she begins to trust him as much as she would her teammates on the Angels.
Forte is the most experienced among the Angels, and is intimately familiar with such details as the mechanics of Milfeulle's luck as well as the workings of the Emblem Frames. She is fond of gunpowder weapons rather than laser weapons, even though gunpowder weapons are difficult to come by in the time period in which the games take place.
Galaxy Angel Wiki
CV: 暂无
The first officer of the Elsior, Lester spends most of his time either making sure that Tact is doing his job as a commander, or trying to find Tact as he goes off on one of his crazy adventures with the Angel Troupe. Has known Tact since the military academy, and has been with him ever since.
Edited from url= Angel Wiki
CV: 井上 喜久子
Referred to as a saint by virtually every character in the games, she is the ruler of the White Moon that orbits the homeworld of the Transbaal Empire. The respect she is given by other characters (including Tact Mayers, who generally eschews the use of honorifics) is shown by the suffix '-sama' (様), which is used to refer to those of a much higher rank.
Edited from url= Angel Wiki
CV: 納谷 六朗
Luft Weizen was a general in the Transbaal Empire Armed Forces, as well as Tact Mayers's old teacher. He not only rescued Takuto, but gave him command of both the Elle Ciel and Angel Troupe.
Galaxy Angel Wiki
At the end of the Galaxy Angel story he became Minister of Defence and Prime minister of Transbaal Empire/
CV: 暂无
The only surviving member of the royal family of the Transbaal Kingdom, Prince Shiva is the target of assassination of Prince Eonia, and is under the constant protection of both the Angel Troupe and the Elsior. Raised on the White Moon, he is somewhat antisocial towards others and would rather remain secluded within his room onboard the Elsior. Also quite belligerent to Tact at first, demanding that the Elsior head straight back to Transbaal and stop Eonia at once. Possesses a heavy burden of being the last of the royal family, with knowledge that he must become king at such a young age.
Edited from url= Angel Wiki
Actually Shiva is a girl. Her true gender could be found at the end of the Galaxy Angel story and is already known at the beginning of Moonlit Lovers.
Lady Shatoyan, who is Shiva's guardian is actually her real mother./
CV: 暂无
Commander of the 18th Empire fleet.
Hyuuga was adjutant of Chitose's father. He is grateful to him for saving his life and the lives of the crew during the accident several years ago. He was the one who gave Chitose her stuffed animal, which was her father's last present to her./
CV: 幸田 夏穂
Nefyuuria is Rezom's first officer, but she is only using him for her own purposes. She is cruel and apathetic toward her enemies, believing herself to be inherently superior.
She soon reveals herself to be from the Val Fasq race aiming to conquer the Transbaal empire./
CV: 小暮 英麻
Almo is the communications officer on the Elsior. She has a bright personality and is a good friend of Coco.
Almo has a major crush on Lester, but he doesn't notice at all.
developer's website
CV: 暂无
Coco is the radar operator on the Elsior. She is friendly and a good friend of Almo.
developer's website
CV: 小島 幸子
Creta is in charge of maintenance of the Elsior and Emblem Frames. She is a major fan of bishonen idol Ricky Kart.
Galaxy Angel Wiki
CV: 大原 さやか
Kela Hazel is the Elsior's doctor, specializing in counseling. She has a major love of coffee and enjoys knitting as a hobby.
Galaxy Angel Wiki
CV: 能登 麻美子
Kuromie Quark looks after the animals onboard the Elsior, and also is one of the few known people who can understand the mysterious Space Whales. Whenever Tact visits the Whale Room, Tact can ask Kuromie to get a "reading" (by communicating with the Space Whales) on how all the Angels feel about him.
Galaxy Angel Wiki