【Gal】【PC/汉化】斩魔大圣Demonbane / 斬魔大聖デモンベイン

【Gal】【PC/汉化】斩魔大圣Demonbane / 斬魔大聖デモンベイン














斬魔大聖デモンベイン (斩魔大圣Demonbane)

发行日期: 2003-04-25 | 限制级: 是 | 开发商: Nitro+(NITRO PLUS)

『―――汝、魔を断つ 剣となれ』

仕事もなく、その日暮らしを続ける三流探偵 『大十字九郎』。その生活力の無さに、友人であるしシスター『ライカ』からはいつも説教される体たらく。だがある日、そんな彼の元に一つの依頼が転がり込んだ。

結局、依頼受けることにした九郎は、調査を開始。その過程で、彼は最悪の犯罪組織 『ブラックロッジ』に追われる少女アルと出会う。巻き込まれ、九郎は成り行きで、アルと共に追われる身となってしまう。迫る追っ手。立ち塞がる 『ブラックロッジ』の狂科学者ドクター・ウェストの破壊ロボ。逃亡の果て、二人は街の地下に眠る巨大ロボット 『デモンベイン』と出会う。九郎はデモンベインに乗り込み、破壊ロボと戦う決意をした。




大十字 九郎 (暂无译名)

CV: 伊藤 健太郎

The hero of our story, Daijuuji Kurou is down on his luck. Unable to handle the pressures of life at Miskatonic University, he dropped out to start his own private detective business; life as an investigator treats him little better than his student days however, and he's forced to rely on the local orphanage for support between his infrequent cases.

Official Site - Nitroplus USA

アル・アジフ (暂无译名)

CV: 神田 理江

Known by many names and forms through the centuries, Al Azif's girlish appearance is deceptive: she is the avatar of a grimoire, and not just any tome of spells. She embodies the original Necronomicon itself, an icon of forbidden magic eagerly pursued by ambitious sorcerers eager to amplify their powers.

In the modern age, Al has developed a mind of her own. Fiercely independent and outspoken, she is fearless in thought and deed, but knows when to run away from those who would use her for unpleasant ends... unless her escape is blocked by a certain bumbling detective.

Official Site - Nitroplus USA

ライカ・クルセイド (暂无译名)

CV: 黒河 奈美

A nun who runs a church and orphanage in a quiet corner of Arkham City. She's taken it upon herself to provide for the livelihood of Kurou while he pursues his down and out detective business, and she lectures him daily regarding his inability to provide for himself. Despite her sharp tongue she is well meaning, kind and helpful.

While she's equally kind to all of the wayward charges she's taken under her wing, it seems that she may hold feelings for Kurou that go beyond sisterly responsibility. Will you choose to entrust yourself to her kind, capable hands?

Official Site - Nitroplus USA

覇道 瑠璃 (暂无译名)

CV: 麻見 順子

The protector of Arkham City and its ruler from the shadows, the girl leader of the Hadou plutocracy. Her grandfather and founder of the Hadou industrial dynasty instructed her directly in how to be a good leader, and she matured into a young woman of both intelligence and beauty. The tremendous power she wields, coupled with the crushing responsibility, has caused this youthful girl to be tempered into a maiden of iron.

Official Site - Nitroplus USA

ナイア (暂无译名)

CV: 折笠 愛

The woman proprietor of a rare bookshop who helps Kurou in his detective work. She has a bewitching aura and an alluring physical presence about her, but the depth of the mysteries swirling around her is a closely guarded secret - there's a certain something about her that no one has been able to discover... Her full name is Nyarlathotep (ナイアーラトテップ), an Evil and Outer God./

From the url=http://www.nitroplususa.com/demonbane/characters.htmlOfficial Site - Nitroplus USA

In Kishin Hishou, after the failure of Infinite Spiral, she managed a different scheme that involved with the son of Elder Gods. This time she is acting as the Game Keeper set up Game of Chaos across space and time for Daijuuji Kuzaku, with his opponent is Another Blood. By using Another Blood as the pawn and Demonbane Two-Sword as the vessel, Nyarlathotep capable of summoning the Mechanical Nightmare Deus Machina - Clockwork Phantom./

マスターテリオン (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Leader of the Black Lodge society for the dark arts. With ravishing good looks and a powerful, charismatic personality, he is the true image of a charming demon. To light a fire in those languid, listless eyes, causing acts of evil and cruelty are his only delight.

His organization is one of the few openly claiming a connection to ancient, forbidden magic, and the power he wields is indeed fearsome - a power that has led to ennui and nihilism so extreme that he would rather toy with an amusing opponent than crush him utterly.

Official Site - Nitroplus USA

In Kishin Hishou Demonbane, Master Therion and other former enemies from Zanma Taisei/Kishin Houkou were brought back by Another Blood as nightmare for her "story". The true Master Therion has been erased from history after the events of Al Azif's route./

エセルドレーダ (暂无译名)

CV: 神田 理江

A mysterious girl who attends by the side of Black Lodge leader Master Therion as if she is his very shadow. The devotion she shows him is unwavering, an obedience that could be deemed fanatical. Unlike Al Azif she remains calm, quiet and composed in all circumstances.

With such a close relationship to her master, Etheldreda could only be the physical embodiment of the grimoire that allows Master Therion to power his own Deus Machina...

From the url=http://www.nitroplususa.com/demonbane/characters.htmlOfficial Site - Nitroplus USA

Like Master Therion, Etheldreda were also brought back by Another Blood as nightmare for her "story" in Kishin Hishou. The true Etheldreda has been erased from history after the events of Al Azif's route./

ドクター・ウェスト (暂无译名)

CV: 山崎 功

A mad scientist in the employ of the Black Lodge syndicate. Arkham City is plagued by disturbances created when his bizarre inventions run amok, and the destruction created by his robotic minions is the drumbeat of anarchy by which Arkham now sets its clocks.

His aesthetic sense is incomprehensibly alien to others, and notions of good and evil are sacrificed in pursuit of the boundaries of his whimsy. Put simply: he's the comic relief. However, his inventions are not to be taken lightly.

Official Site - Nitroplus USA

He became an Elder God along with Elsa in the Secret Ending of Kishin Hishou, after defeated Another Blood and went through 996 different scenarios, much to Nya's surprisement and a dumbfounded Nero./

エルザ (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

One of Doctor West's creations, Elsa is a gynoid, built to be stronger and faster than an ordinary human, equipped with a pair of tonfas.
She ends most of her sentences with the suffix "robo".
Although she recognizes Kurou as her enemy, following an encounter where he saves her, Elsa admits her love to Kurou, much to his confusion./

Elsa's name is probably derived from Elsa Sullivan Lanchester, the star of the movie Bride of Frankenstein.

From url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Demonbane_characters#Elsa.

She became an Elder God along with Doctor West in the Secret Ending of Kishin Hishou, after defeated Another Blood and went through 996 different scenarios, much to Nya's surprisement and a dumbfounded Nero./

アウグストゥス (暂无译名)

CV: 若本 規夫

Master Therion's right-hand man, the self-proclaimed "Emperor of the Earth" is the leader of the Anticross. He owns the grimoire The Golden Bough (金枝篇 Kinshihen) and controls the Deus Machina Legacy of Gold. In the game, his form is the one Nya takes in response to losing to Kurou and Al.

From url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Demonbane_characters#Anticross.

In Kishin Hishou Demonbane, Augustus and the rest of Anticross from Zanma Taisei/Kishin Houkou were brought back by Another Blood as nightmare for her "story". The real Augustus as well as entire Anticross and Black Lodge has been erased from history, after the events of Al Azif's route./

ウィンフィールド (暂无译名)

CV: 子安 武人

Ruri's personal bodyguard and head butler of the Hadou Estate, this polite, well-mannered man possesses great skill in boxing, able to stay on par with even the deadliest members of the Black Lodge.
Winfield's name is a homage to Winfield Scott Lovecraft, the father of horror fiction author H.P. Lovecraft.


ソーニャ (暂无译名)

CV: こおろぎ さとみ

One of the Hadou family maids that accompany Ruri. They are responsible for Ruri's personal items. In a case of emergencies the maids act as members of her operation staff.

the Official site.

チアキ (暂无译名)

CV: 茂呂田 かおる

One of the Hadou family maids that accompany Ruri. They are responsible for Ruri's personal items. In a case of emergencies the maids act as members of her operation staff.

the Official site.

マコト (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

One of the Hadou family maids that accompany Ruri. They are responsible for Ruri's personal items. In a case of emergencies the maids act as members of her operation staff.

the Official site.

メタトロン (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

A white angel who combats the Black Lodge and is seen as a hero by most of Arkham City. Metatron tries to dissuade Kurou from confronting the Black Lodge and does not believe herself to be the hero of justice that Arkham's population views her as. She possesses a suit of white, angelic armour that protects her from damage and allows her to fly. The armour is also equipped with a voice scrambler that hides her true identity. Metatron can also manifest wrist-mounted blades and beam cannons on her forearms, and is also a proficient hand-to-hand fighter.

Her true identity is Leica. As befits a henshin ******e, she also has a signature attack, the Slash Cross. Later in the story she acquires the Hunting Horror, a flying motorcycle created by Doctor West that incorporates pages of the Pnakotic Manuscripts, giving it some of the characteristics of a Deus Machina. The Hunting Horror can only be driven effectively by an individual that has been artificially enhanced, such as Metatron or Sandalphon./

"Metatron" is the name of an angel prevalent in medieval Jewish mystical texts and other occult sources.

From url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Demonbane_characters#Leica_Crusade.

During the events of Kishin Hishou, Leica regained memories from her previous route and awakened again as Metatron./

サンダルフォン (暂无译名)

CV: 檜山 修之

A black angel who possesses equipment similar to that of Metatron and invariably appears to confront the white angel. He is a member of the Black Lodge's inner circle but stands apart from all of them and shows little interest in fighting weaklings.

Sandalphon is a master martial artist and the magical dynamo implanted into his body gives him superhuman strength. In addition his armour provides him with enhanced durability, flight, and a voice scrambler that hides his identity. His pathological hatred of Metatron grants him a measure of resistance to pain and allows him to endure otherwise crippling blows.

Sandalphon typically plays a minor role in the story but becomes the primary antagonist in Leica's route. In her route, it is revealed that his real name is Ryuuga Crusade, Leica's brother and another test subject in the Moonchild Project. Although he was male and therefore did not have a real prospect of becoming the C Priestess, he was still experimented upon and had a magical dynamo implanted into his body, giving him superhuman combat ability. Although he did not know what the ultimate fate of the test subjects would be, Ryuuga still distrusted the scientists and planned to take Leica and escape. He loved the sky and his dream was to fly with the birds. Ryuuga's first escape attempt was successful but he was overpowered by Vespasianus, while his second attempt was cut short when Leica was manipulated into attacking him. He sustained severe injuries and was placed into a coma. Ryuuga's memory of the incident was distorted and he believes Leica killed him, causing the birth of a hatred that would eventually turn into an all-consuming obsession with killing Metatron. Vespasianus provided him with his equipment and gave him the name Sandalphon, making him an agent of the Black Lodge./

The name "Sandalphon" comes from the name of an archangel who is noted by some texts during the Midrashic period as the twin brother of Metatron.

From url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Demonbane_characters#Sandalphon.

In Kishin Hishou Demonbane, Sandalphon has been brought back by Another Blood as nightmare for her "story". The real Sandalphon has been erased from history after the events of Leica's route./

ネロ (暂无译名)

CV: 成瀬 未亜

With a child-like appearance and known as "the greatest and most wicked magician" in the world, Nero is the only female Anticross member, with the grimoire Unaussprechlichen Kulten (無名祭祀書 Mumei Saishisho, lit. The Book of Nameless Rituals) and the Deus Machina Nameless One at her disposal. In order to deceive Kurou, Nero feigns amnesia and gains his trust by developing a second personality called Ennea (エンネア)./

From url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Demonbane_characters#Anticross.

ティトゥス (暂无译名)

CV: 中田 譲治

A four-armed samurai, Titus carries the grimoire Cultes des Goules (屍食教典儀 Shishokukyō Tengi) and takes to the field of battle in the Deus Machina Ogre.


In Kishin Hishou Demonbane, Titus and the rest of Anticross from Zanma Taisei/Kishin Houkou were brought back by Another Blood as nightmare for her "story". The real Titus as well as entire Anticross and Black Lodge has been erased from history, after the events of Al Azif's route./

ティベリウス (暂无译名)

CV: 矢尾 一樹

A shrouded figure clad in black and red-striped robes, Tiberius is nothing more than a meager corpse, with his skeletal face covered by a lizard-like mask reflecting his current mood: green for content, red for anger and blue for agony. Sadistic and greatly delights in others' pain, he is the owner of the grimoire De Vermis Mysteriis (妖蛆の秘密 Yōshu no Himitsu, lit. Secrets of the Worm) and the Deus Machina Belzebuth.


In Kishin Hishou Demonbane, Tiberius and the rest of Anticross from Zanma Taisei/Kishin Houkou were brought back by Another Blood as nightmare for her "story". The real Tiberius as well as entire Anticross and Black Lodge has been erased from history, after the events of Al Azif's route./

カリグラ (暂无译名)

CV: 郷里 大輔

A tall, powerful individual who hides his human face behind a skull mask, he is often seen alongside fellow Anticross member Claudius. Caligula has the grimoire Cthäat Aquadingen (水神クタアト Suijin Kutāto, lit. The Water God Cthäat) and controls the Deus Machina Kraken.


In Kishin Hishou Demonbane, Caligula and the rest of Anticross from Zanma Taisei/Kishin Houkou were brought back by Another Blood as nightmare for her "story". The real Caligula as well as entire Anticross and Black Lodge has been erased from history, after the events of Al Azif's route./

クラウディウス (暂无译名)

CV: 今井 由香

Dressed in modern sports clothing, the mischievous, childish Claudius is agile, but rash in his decisions. He is the master of the grimoire Celaeno Fragments (セラエノ断章 Seraeno Danshō) and controls the Deus Machina Lord Byakhee.


In Kishin Hishou Demonbane, Claudius and the rest of Anticross from Zanma Taisei/Kishin Houkou were brought back by Another Blood as nightmare for her "story". The real Claudius as well as entire Anticross and Black Lodge has been erased from history, after the events of Al Azif's route./

ウェスパシアヌス (暂无译名)

CV: 広瀬 正志

A red-haired man dressed in grey, Vespasianus has a tendency to repeat his words. He acquired the grimoire Book of Eibon (エイボンの書 Eibon no Sho) and is the pilot of the Deus Machina Cykranosh.


In Kishin Hishou Demonbane, Vespasianus and the rest of Anticross from Zanma Taisei/Kishin Houkou were brought back by Another Blood as nightmare for her "story". The real Vespasianus as well as entire Anticross and Black Lodge has been erased from history, after the events of Al Azif's route./

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图片[1] - 【Gal】【PC/汉化】斩魔大圣Demonbane / 斬魔大聖デモンベイン - Hikarinagi
图片[2] - 【Gal】【PC/汉化】斩魔大圣Demonbane / 斬魔大聖デモンベイン - Hikarinagi
图片[3] - 【Gal】【PC/汉化】斩魔大圣Demonbane / 斬魔大聖デモンベイン - Hikarinagi
【Gal】【PC/汉化】斩魔大圣Demonbane / 斬魔大聖デモンベイン - Hikarinagi
【Gal】【PC/汉化】斩魔大圣Demonbane / 斬魔大聖デモンベイン



