






Devils Devel Concept (暂无译名)

发行日期: 2009-02-26 | 限制级: 是 | 开发商: 晓WORKS

Human, monsters, and beasts... The world doesn't forgive them... There is a town where mysterious cases often happen. The ones who have special ability called Enja. The origin of Enja is "devil". They get together as if led by something unseen and kill each other.

Sora is an Enja boy. He lost his parents several years ago and now lives alone. His life is full of peace, rest, and destruction. Peaceful school life with friends. Strange dreams he has every day. Battles against devils that appear in the town at night.

His "contract" leads him to a hell of sadness, fights, and carnage. He also meets some girls along the way. Love, obedience, subordination, immorality, and desire. Sora, who doesn't know how to love, is a broken human. What does Sora get, what does Sora lose through contracts with the girls? At the end of the contract, he meets the last devil...


時雨 楚良 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Due to his naturally violent and brutal nature, he uses the act of wearing a pair of glasses he inherited from his father as a sort of reminder for him to maintain a facade of normality and stability. As a student of Rising White Summit Academy, Sora leads the life of a devil hunter as the need arises, wielding an immense measure of arcane power thought to have come from his status as a member of the 'original bloodline' of demon hunters. Sora removes his glasses when he has a need to fight as a sort of 'permission'. Despite his tendency to apparently act on impulse, Sora is actually quite intelligent, with a sort of philosophical obsession with the concept of 'contracts' (an abstract concept of the 'agreements' with one's self, one's god, or one's ideals that gives one purpose in life). To him, a contract is an absolute obligation, to be given priority over all other things.

Sora lacks a number of emotions and instincts that normal humans possess, including the ability to understand romantic love, conventional morality, and the connection between the softer emotions and sex. Because of this, he tends to view emotional matters at a remove, frequently contemplating them in philosophical or excessively rational terms simply because he does not possess the same viewpoint as 'normal humanity'. While all demon hunters have a similar difficulty (to one degree or another; or in one area or another) as they are essentially a hybrid sub-species of humanity, Sora's difficulty is such that he makes the other hunters seem almost normal at times.

美波 睦月 (暂无译名)

CV: 壱智村 小真

Mutsuki’s crass and careless personality often comes as a surprise to those who first encounter the angelic faced petite. An upperclassman and frequent “no strings attached” sex partner to Sora, the pair maintain a mutual habit of unhealthy cigarette smoking. Though a powerful devil hunter in her own right, Mutsuki refuses to pledge allegiance to any specific organization, thus operating as an independent agent beholden to no one – or so she claims.

As a consequence of her overuse of her Ro when she was younger, she can no longer gain nourishment from conventional food and survives through a process almost identical to photosynthesis. She has also lost her sense of taste, needs to sleep much longer than a normal human being, and is something of a nymphomaniac.

カガミ (暂无译名)

CV: 山田 茉莉

An individual who only appears in Sora’s dreams to relay assignments, information or advice. Due to the lack of physical encounter, Sora often finds himself wondering Kagami’s exact gender during these visits.

粟生野 鳴 (暂无译名)

CV: 桜咲 千依

When Mei’s mysterious arrival to Rising White Summit Academy triggers a series of catastrophic events threatening the peace and prosperity forged by the regional devil hunters, everything Sora once believed and protected are turned upside down. Her connections and intentions held secret, Mei takes an incredible liking to Sora, projecting a pleasant sense of calm and serenity.

向日 未空 (暂无译名)

CV: 浅井 晴美

Insightful and intellectual, Misora walks a lonely path due to tragic loss. Because of the terrible ordeals she has suffered, the lovely teacher devotes herself towards the prevention of others experiencing the same misery. Sadly the duties of this journey requires secrecy and deception, even among brethren devil hunters, thus keeping the ironically sociable woman distant from the desires in her heart.

She is the only one of the ******es that does not possess a Ro. The only matter on which she possesses something close to the passion a normal human could recognize is in regards to Sora, whom she loves with a passion identical to that of the other ******es, although she makes an effort to conceal this from Sora, inasmuch as that is possible. She is perhaps the most aware of Sora's broken personality, but - like the other ******es - she fails utterly to comprehend just how deep it goes, because even her 'witch's eyes' cannot see how his powers and bloodline effected his personality formation.

Her Witch's Eyes are a type of Devil's Organ specialize in the act of over-writing through the act of 'seeing' and grant the ability to literally see anything... even that which technically doesn't exist on the same plane. However, being a Devil's Organ and Misora being something of a genius, she can also use them to control and manipulate those she 'sees'. It is said that those with 'eyes' like hers can only be dealt with by killing them before they use them.

北城 美岬 (暂无译名)

CV: 環 有希

Recently transferred from another academy over the summer, Misaki is an uncharacteristically hostile yet unquestionably talented student. Feigning loyalty to her new academy, she secretly purses personal agendas and vendettas in contradiction to her assigned duties.

美波 花月 (暂无译名)

CV: 徳本 英一郎

Katsuki is Mutsuki’s elder brother. Unlike his sisters, Katsuki has tried to led an entirely normal life, and currently works as a businessman while attending college.

緇門 斗真 (暂无译名)

CV: 成田 剣

An unregistered sorcerer who asserts fealty to the hereto unknown Order of the Blazing Pisces, Touma’s questionable claims are grudgingly freed from immediate dismissal and discredit, due to enigmatic association with several attending students.

瀬場 慎之輔 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Shinnosuke is what many would consider a geek: socially bumbling, interested in subjects others ridicule, and preferring the digital comforts of the Internet over real life. He nonetheless is sincerely valued as a friend to those who know him, and possesses a gift of memorization that quickly humbles those foolish enough to challenge Shinnosuke on information he has studied or found interesting.

天津 伽那多 (暂无译名)

CV: 田中 愛子

The president of the student council and the wielder of the 'Ro of Wind'. She is deeply attracted to Sora because she believes he can provide the answers to the questions that have plagued her all her life. Like all possessors of a Ro amongst the demon hunters, she is more out of sync with the 'hollow pot' (normal humanity) than the average demon hunter. In her case, it expresses itself as an incredibly overwhelming arrogance, as well as a tendency to shape the world to her desires without even a hint of guilt or concern.

Like all of the hunter ******es of Devils Devel Concept, she doesn't fully understand the depth of Sora's detachment and she frequently attempts to attach the way he acts to values that are familiar to her, leading to a fundamental misunderstanding of how he will act and why. Despite this, because their natures are fundamentally similar, if different in the particulars, she comes the closest to comprehending him amongst the ******es of Devils Devel Concept.

七祇 紅音 (暂无译名)

CV: 皆川 典子

One of a pair of twin childhood friends of Sora. As a child, she and her twin sister interchanged, interacting with him without him realizing. Part of this is because Devil Hunter twins are essentially the same person (the same soul/basic personality) and only grow distinct self-conscious awareness as they grow older. She and her sister share the same emotions toward Sora (literally identical) though their current personalities 'filter' it differently.

She resents Akari's seduction of Sora years ago, as it caused him to believe he had raped her, leading to him putting some distance between them... and because, like all such twins, failure to obtain balance leads to ruin.

She hides beneath her role model student exterior a vicious, merciless personality whose only real love is Sora and her twin sister (though it is really a love/hate relationship with the sister). She despises her aunt, who raised her, with enough intensity to want to see her dead. This is because her aunt's appearance is identical to that of her mother, who 'fell' long ago and abandoned them.

七祇 紅莉 (暂无译名)

CV: 皆川 典子

Akane's older twin sister, her 'change' has progressed a great deal more, resulting to her being semi-permanently confined to a special room in the center of the mansion. She has a strong desire to drink blood and can draw both pleasure and sustenance from doing so. Like all Devil Hunter twins, she is 'dragged along' by the emotions of her sister and does the same to the other. In order to retain their mutual sanity, they must receive equivalent treatment from the one they love, lest they break down and go insane.

Possessor of the Ro of the Moon (along with her sister). Unlike her younger sister, she doesn't even pretend to be 'normal', and her reactions are very straight and often childish. She lured Sora into having sex with her when they were younger, giving him the misapprehension that he had raped Akane, as he is not aware they are twins. She is not entirely sane, having been kept from Sora while her sister was allowed contact with him.

向日 アズミ (暂无译名)

CV: 小林 桂子

Sora's childhood friend. They have a hate/attachment (neither of them would ever admit to caring about the other) relationship, and they are constantly teasing one another/at each other's throats. She is in love with Shinnosuke.

She despises all other Hunters on an instinctive level, though she loves her adoptive big sister, Misora. She is highly intelligent and also a natural survivor, avoiding danger with a frighteningly high degree of natural cunning and what looks like instinctive foresight. The only thing she hates more than Hunters is Devils. She always works alone so that she won't accidentally kill one of her fellows on impulse.

上倉 桐人 (暂无译名)

CV: 葵 海人

Sora's only male hunter friend. He was born into a family that passes down a powerful organ... that can only be used by the 'fallen'. He is intelligent and something of a hedonist. He is hated by Akane with a passion.

He has numerous lovers.

法条 鞆絵 (暂无译名)

CV: 尾崎 真実

The school nurse and one of Kirito's numerous lovers. She is a (extremely weak) Devil Hunter assigned to watch the Hunters at the academy by Houjou, though she is much lower in rank than Misora. She is far closer to humanity than most Hunters, but this just means she is much less psychologically 'adapted' to the needs of their lives.

ジェイド (暂无译名)

CV: 鶴岡 聡

Once a Hunter, after he died, he rose again as a 'fallen' hunter (also known as a Stray Sheep). Unlike most of his kind, he acts with a purpose, followed by two carnivorous dolls as he seeks ever greater power.

ロッテ (暂无译名)

CV: 望月 ゆず姫

One of Jade's two Dolls. She was once transformed forcibly into a Doll by a Devil, but after Jade killed the Devil, he asked if they would like to be rebuilt and she said yes.

She is cannibalistic, like all Dolls, but compared to Sorel, she is relatively sane and rational. She treats Sorel very much like an incompetent little sister, indulging her and protecting her, even as she treats her as a partner during battle. Like all Dolls, her consciousness is bound within the strictures the person who 'refitted' her laid down.

ソレル (暂无译名)

CV: 高田 初美

One of Jade's two Dolls.

Like all Dolls, she is cannibalistic, eating human flesh for sustenance. She is not as intelligent as her partner, and she is little more than a moving killing machine with a pretty young woman's face. She has been programmed with a wide variety of very basic attack methods, but like all Dolls, she cannot escape the strictures of the programming laid down by the individual that 'refitted' her.

風原 圭司 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

One of Misora's former co-workers, he is a bit obsessed with her. She despises him due to their genetic magnetism, but ironically it acts the opposite way on him.

He is your typical 'ambitious secret agent' type, and he will do anything he can to help his organization, up to and including purging people whom he considers a rot in the system. He makes the mistake of both amusing and pissing Sora off and pays for it in spades.

漁火 水無月 (暂无译名)

CV: つぼみ

Mitsuki's only friend and a Catalyst living under the protection of Isaribi, one of the Devil Hunter organizations in Japan. She is mute, after having witnessed the murder and devouring of her sister by a 'fallen' Hunter. She is physically weak and vulnerable, just as all of her kind are. She hates cigarettes with a passion.

北城 殺 (暂无译名)

CV: 阿部 彬名

Muko Misora's mentor and the previous head of the Houjou Cabal of Devil Hunters. She is a ruthless, hedonistic woman whose 'change' has stopped her outward aging. She loves her students but is perfectly willing to allow them to destroy themselves (and will frequently tip them over the edge as a test).

美波 夕凪 (暂无译名)

CV: 高田 初美

Katsuki's wife. She was originally assigned to watch him and Mutsuki by the Houjou, but by nature she was unsuited to be a spy and fell in love with Katsuki. Her loyalties currently lie with her new family. She is perhaps the most un-Hunter-like Hunter in the entire story.

翠碕 悔 (暂无译名)

CV: 上別府 仁資

Kanata's butler, he is also the brother of Sora's father's Devil Hunter teacher (deceased). He is loyal to Kanata (though he was once assigned to watch her), and he is responsible for 'adjusting' her 'boots'. He is highly intelligent and insightful, and he lacks the impulsive viciousness that is generally seen in many Hunters.

七祇 (暂无译名)

CV: 阿部 彬名

Akane and Akari's aunt. She is well-aware of the twins' hatred for her, though she loves them as the last remnants of the sister she adored. She treats them as well as her responsibilities as the head of the Nanagi Family allow, though she is the one who ordered Akari confined.

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图片[1] - 【Gal】【PC/汉化】DEVILS DEVEL CONCEPT  - Hikarinagi
图片[2] - 【Gal】【PC/汉化】DEVILS DEVEL CONCEPT  - Hikarinagi
图片[3] - 【Gal】【PC/汉化】DEVILS DEVEL CONCEPT  - Hikarinagi
【Gal】【PC/汉化】DEVILS DEVEL CONCEPT  - Hikarinagi



