【Gal】【PC/PE/汉化】无人知晓的天体之泪 / 誰も知らない天体への涙

【Gal】【PC/PE/汉化】无人知晓的天体之泪 / 誰も知らない天体への涙






还是已经死了 被罪恶感压垮? 



我为我的所作所为感到非常抱歉 I’m madly sorry for what I’ve done. 


让别人,而不是我 解开这个谜团 惩罚那个恶毒的凶手 



誰も知らない天体への涙 (无人知晓的天体之泪)

发行日期: 2018-08-31 | 限制级: 是 | 开发商: ANAGRAM

Tendou Haruka looked up to the sky and made his two wishes.

First, he wanted to know the truth.
And second, he wanted someone back.

Luna, ruler of Eclipse, was the only being powerful enough to grant his grief-filled plea.
But first, with his soul hanging in the balance, he had to complete the Oracles she demanded of him.

This is the tale of the war between Haruka and Luna.
The tale of Haruka's solitary war.

No one will know the tears he sheds.

Sol Press

Anagram announced the cancellation of DareSora the 21th May 2021 alongside their dissolution.


金毘羅 蝶 (暂无译名)

CV: 和光 雪華

Greenwich Academy First Year.
An outgoing younger student, always ready with a smile.

What you see with Chiyo is exactly what you get: a happy, cheerful girl. She can get along with anyone, even fitting naturally into her older classmates' social circles at school. Her fellow club members have given her the pet name "Pichon."

Chiyo isn't much of a reader by nature, so she struggles with writing.

Specialist Writing Genre: School Life

"Hey! Are you laughing at me, Haruka?! You cut that out right now! A girl's hair is a matter of life and death!"


坂佐 結仁 (暂无译名)

CV: 明島 ゆうり

Greenwich Academy Second Year.
A slender, baby-faced classmate of Haruka with a complex about his height.

Yuni is an incredibly hard worker who exudes sincerity, but unfortunately for him, his adorably young looks often lead people to treat him as a child. His juvenile appearance and actions inspire everyone around to protect him, which sometimes causes trouble.

Doggedly persistent, he forces himself to drink milk every day in hopes of growing taller.

Specialist Writing Genre: Action / Adventure

"One of these days, I'm gonna be even taller than you, Haruka! I'm gonna shoooot up, and then you'll be the one looking up at me!"


嵐 真樹志 (暂无译名)

CV: 西田 翔一

Greenwich Academy Second Year. Haruka's Classmate.
A hot-blooded young man with a great love of sports.

Makishi's preference to act, rather than risk over-thinking things, makes him a perfect compliment for the ever-cautious Haruka.

Though he can sometimes accidentally saw conflict with his simple honest, he's an easy-to-manage guy with an empathetic side, so the girls in his club think highly of him.

He's not the sharpest tool in the shed, which gives him grief when he's trying to proofread, let alone write.

Specialist Writing Genre: Sports

"To take a trip with my buddies, I'd go anywhere, even to the ends of the earth! You're with me on this, right Haru?"


生時雨 澪 (暂无译名)

CV: 大久保藍子

Greenwich Academy Second Year.
A model student and diligent club chairman, wrestling with her inner demons.

Mio is a responsible, self-confident girl, but because of her firm conviction in her beliefs, people tend to call her stubborn. Her club members have been heard to joke that she's no fun.

She loves reading mystery stories and frequently discusses then with Haruka, who shares her taste in novels.

Specialist Writing Genre: Mystery

"I do love everyone. So, how should I put this? I don't really mind being there to support everyone, even if nobody notices."


天道 陽華 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Greenwich Academy Second Year.
An intelligent young man and avid reader, with a particular fondness for mystery stories.

Haruka has a calm, rational personality and prefers to think think things through before acting. In spite of this, Luna finds him an easy target to manipulate.

He challenges Luna, despite knowing how reckless it is, because he wants to discover the truth of a certain incident and get someone back.

Specialist Writing Genre: Mystery

"So we have a mystery starring a detective who's a bit lacking in the humanity department. One who solves the puzzle through logic alone, ignoring motive. Not bad. Not bad at all."


ウサギ (暂无译名)

CV: 金田 みゅう

Luna's servants who reside in Eclipse.

The Bunnies have no individual names, but have different personalities depending on their color. However, no matter the Bunny, they obey Luna's orders absolutely. If Luna ordered a Bunny to die, they would do so without a second thought, showing both how strongly they are devoted to Luna and also how little they value life.

Red is the symbol of fanaticism. A faithful servant with blind loyalty and devotion to her mistress.

"The Grand Duke will see you now. Do make sure to be polite."


ルナ (暂无译名)

CV: あさみ ほとり

The devil? The grim reaper? A phantom? A vampire?

All that's known for sure is that she doesn't mean to play fair, and she goes by the pseudonym "Queen of the Night."

Luna's lust drips from her every word and smile. Arrogant and prideful, she has dubbed herself the Grand Duke, and she takes great joy in in chattering childishly with all those she deems beneath her lofty status.

Endowed with great knowledge and foresight, she is far more mature than her appearance would lead one to believe.

She lies in wait for Haruka with her bunny servants in her mysterious palace, Eclipse, which manifests only on weekends.

Favorite Things: Flesh of Young Humans, Blood, Souls, Despair, Being Called by Her Name, Chatting
Least Favorite Things: Unworthy Opponents, Boring Games, Silence
Special Skills: Monologuing, Provocation

"Now begin! Tell us a story drenched in blood! A mystery filled with lies, hypocrisy, and deception! A tale where all hope is lost, where every wish is dashed! Remember, and reason, and expose the truth behind the human race!"


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图片[1] - 【Gal】【PC/PE/汉化】无人知晓的天体之泪 / 誰も知らない天体への涙 - Hikarinagi
图片[2] - 【Gal】【PC/PE/汉化】无人知晓的天体之泪 / 誰も知らない天体への涙 - Hikarinagi
图片[3] - 【Gal】【PC/PE/汉化】无人知晓的天体之泪 / 誰も知らない天体への涙 - Hikarinagi
【Gal】【PC/PE/汉化】无人知晓的天体之泪 / 誰も知らない天体への涙 - Hikarinagi
【Gal】【PC/PE/汉化】无人知晓的天体之泪 / 誰も知らない天体への涙


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