新生的七海和学园偶像的优菜私下一直是一对亲密的恋人,但对外仍然对彼此之间的关系保密。 面对毫不知情的女孩们对自己姐姐大人的猛烈追求,七海仍然感到有一点嫉妒。 「我一定要成为配得上姐姐大人的女孩子!」于是她暗暗地发了誓,并开始不断地努力。
その花びらにくちづけを 唇とキスで呟いて (亲吻那片花瓣 呢喃的双唇)
发行日期: 2008-12-05 | 限制级: 是 | 开发商: ふぐり屋(ゆりんゆりん)
CV: 小野 涼子
An extremely shy and fairly nerdish girl. She is also Sara's cousin and is very protective of her. Second year student of St. Michael's Girl's Academy. She has been elected as class president two years in a row.
CV: 岩村 琴美
A second-year high school student. She is smart, attractive, popular and rich girl who is admired by the students of St. Michael's. Yet she falls in love with the clumsy and average Nanami.
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CV: 木川 絵理子
A first-year high school student. Despite being a pretty average girl with bad luck, she has caught the attention of the famous Yuuna.
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CV: 和泉 あやか
A very responsible second year high school student who has some tomboy tendencies. She falls in love with Reo after getting to know a different side of her.
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