【PC/汉化】Sadistic Blood

【PC/汉化】Sadistic Blood


二个吸血鬼与一个猎人, 改变她们三人命运的一夜物语,悄然开始了……







SaDistic BlooD》是由Black Cyc于2019年12月20日发售的18禁galgame,海外版本由Jast USA代理,于2021年11月21日发售。

和《MinDeaD BlooD~献给支配者的狂死曲》处于同一个世界观。

图片[4] - 【PC/汉化】Sadistic Blood - Hikarinagi




Sadistic Blood (暂无译名)

发行日期: 2019-12-20 | 限制级: 是 | 开发商: Black Cyc

The Vampires Yuna and Shizuha come to the island city of Chisakura hoping to find refuge from the relentless pursuit of Vampire Hunters. However, it turns out that the Hunters are already lying in wait for them. Will the Vampire duo escape the Hunters' trap and live to see tomorrow, or will they meet a fate worse than death...?

The two Vampires travel Japan together, evading the pursuit of Vampire Hunters in an attempt to live out their undead eternity in freedom. On the fateful night of their arrival in Chisakura, the full moon shines down upon the duo, intensifying their Vampiric impulses. The two attempt to slake their thirst for blood while remaining unnoticed.

Little do they know that lying in wait for them in the island city is a Hunters' trap. Outnumbered by a party of dangerous biological weapons commanded by the vengeful Yuika, the two Vampires must now weigh their options. Do they go on the run and flee Chisakura, or do they stand their ground and fight?

With the odds stacked against them and time running out, Yuna and Shizuha must choose wisely if both of them are to escape with their lives. Will the Vampire duo escape the Hunters' trap and live to see tomorrow, or will they meet a fate worse than death...?



七瀬 静羽 (暂无译名)

CV: 桐村 まり

Nanase Shzuha s a vampre travelng across Japan together wth Yuna. Bashful, passve, and meek, Shzuha only wshes to lve n peace and obscurty, away from those who would hunt her knd.

Despte her tmdness, she dgs n her heels and always refuses to consume human blood, even though t means weakenng herself to the pont of puttng her and Yuna at a dsadvantage to ther pursuers. The only person she allows herself to feed on s Yuna, as she consders the act a confrmaton of ther bond. Her affecton for Yuna makes Shzuha extremely dependent on her, a fact that Yuna fnds both endearng and bothersome.

"...Don’t you thnk sometmes that you’d be better off beng human? You wouldn't be runnng for your lfe rght now f you weren’t a vampre..."/

From url=https://blog.jlst.com/product-prevews-and-revews/vsual-novels/sadstc-blood-a-gory-vamprc-vn-s-now-avalable/JAST USA

園原 由奈 (暂无译名)

CV: 藤沢 れい香

Shnohara Yuna s a vampre travelng across Japan together wth Shzuha. Haughty, calculatng, and snster, she seeks to make the most of her eternal lfe by revelng n her vamprc nature.

She sees humans as mere pawns, never hestatng to suck ther blood and bend them to her wll f she beleves t wll sut her ends. The only person she truly seems to hold dear s Shzuha, wth whom she shares an ntmate relatonshp. She does, however, fnd Shzuha's passve nature and adamant refusal to drnk human blood to be bothersome.

"You should be a lttle more dgnfed about ths. We're vampres, dear. We're not lke those ordnary humans. We're a stronger, ageless, more elegant exstence."/

From url=https://blog.jlst.com/product-prevews-and-revews/vsual-novels/sadstc-blood-a-gory-vamprc-vn-s-now-avalable/JAST USA

榊 優衣架 (暂无译名)

CV: 羽真 ちい

Sakak Yuka s a vampre hunter afflated wth the Hunters' Assocaton.

Whle she s quet and tacturn on the outsde, her heart burns wth hatred toward all vampres. Traned to do battle wth creatures far stronger than she s and armed to the teeth, Yuka s ruthless n combat. Her sgnature weapon s a powerful ple bunker that can easly extngush a vampre’s lfe wth lethal effcency. She commands a unt of three bologcal weapons developed to assst n huntng vampres. Whle Yuka remans loyal to the Assocaton and wll put ts orders above her personal goals f need be, the same cannot be sad for her subordnates. Keepng them n lne s a constant source of concern for her.

"I wll extermnate... every sngle vampre..."/

From url=https://blog.jlst.com/product-prevews-and-revews/vsual-novels/sadstc-blood-a-gory-vamprc-vn-s-now-avalable/JAST USA

由 月幕OpenAPI & HikarinagiAPI 驱动 | 游戏ID: 34890
数据来源:月幕Galgame - 美少女游戏档案 | 反馈错误(反馈时请附带游戏ID)

【PC/汉化】Sadistic Blood - Hikarinagi
【PC/汉化】Sadistic Blood


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