【PC/汉化】战国兰斯 / 戦国ランス

【PC/汉化】战国兰斯 / 戦国ランス








戦国ランス (战国兰斯)

发行日期: 2006-12-15 | 限制级: 是 | 开发商: AliceSoft

JAPAN 是大陆的东边的一个岛国,正处在群雄割据的战国时代。


不是酱紫的,虽然也会去温泉,但兰斯的目的是把 JAPAN 各式各样美丽的女性(公主、女仆、巫女、女忍、村姑……)纳入后宫。尤其是势力最大的织田家的香姬。

兰斯作为一国之主,统一全 JAPAN 的战争序幕拉开了……




ランス (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Protagonist of the Rance series.

A warrior affiliated with the Keith Guild; when he's short on cash, he takes jobs from them. Most of the time, though, he simply travels around having adventures of his own accord, accompanied by his slave, Sill.

His goal in life is to assemble a harem consisting of all the hot women in the world and live it up.

Recently, though, he's taken it into his head to "conquer" the princesses of each of the four main kingdoms in the world - Ria from Leazas, Magic from Zeth, Kouhime from JAPAN, and Siera from Helman. At the moment, he's managed to snag Lia and Magic, with Kouhime being on hold for a few years until she grows up a little more.

Because of this recent pursuit, he's ended up heavily involved with events of historic significance in Leazas, Zeth, and JAPAN, with Helman next in line.

鈴女 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

She is a super kunoichi from JAPAN.
She is an expert in assassination and spying enemies in JAPAN.
Of course, she is also an "ero" expert too.

In her past she attempted to take Rance's life away. However, she becomes Rance's bodyguard after she falls in love with him.

Edited and roughly translated from url=http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=699484Getchu

In Sengoku Rance:

The best kunoichi in Japan. Gifted with talent, she can master most ninjutsu without effort. She has assassinated over 100 influential people, with a success rate of 100%. She used to have rivals, but she's defeated them all. She's often bored because there isn't anyone strong enough to compete with her.

シィル・プライン (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Sill is a slave purchased by the great adventurer Rance in the year LP0001 prior to the events of Rance 01. Rance purchased her for 15,000 GOLD and has been forced to travel alongside him wherever he goes since then. However, Sill developed strong romantic feelings for him and, even though the "Absolute Obedience Magic" once cast on her has long since worn off, she remains single-mindedly loyal to Rance regardless. She was originally from a rich family in Zeth but under "certain circumstances" ended up in the slave market sold to Rance.

She is capable of using both offensive and healing magic, in addition to the creation of magic barriers. She is also known to have a large knowledge of worldly culture and history, as well as an understanding of many creatures. This is apparently due to her studying from a wide variety of books at a young age due to her origins from a noble family.

From the url=http://alicesoft.wikia.com/wiki/SillAliceSoftWiki

織田 香 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

In Sengoku Rance:

Nobunaga's younger sister. Since her brother is so carefree, she's become a reliable person, and handles the government affairs. Nobunaga claims that she is "the most beautiful girl in Japan" to raise publicity for their province, and now her name is known across the continent.

織田 信長 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

In Sengoku Rance:

The head of the Oda house. He doesn't have any ambition, and doesn't like bothersome things like war. His hobby is making dango while neglecting his government duties.

柴田 勝家 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

In Sengoku Rance:

A loyal subject that remained even after the majority of Oda's influential commanders fled because the house was declining.

乱丸 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

A loyal subject that remained even after the majority of Oda's influential commanders fled because the house was declining.

上杉 謙信 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

In Sengoku Rance:

The strongest swordsman in Japan, nicknamed the Goddess of War. She's always at the front lines of battle with the force of a strong wind, and there is almost no one that can stop her. She is admired by all of the female commanders in the Uesugi house.

直江 愛 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

The Uesugi house's tactician. Kenshin recruited her from a foreign province when it was going through a crisis, declaring war without concern for her own province. The Uesugi house manages to accomplish difficult tasks when she's around; she does a thankless task.

足利 超神 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

The head of the Ashikaga house, who resembles a fish despite being human. He was supposed to be the successor to the name Ashikaga Takauji, but he calls himself Choushin ("Super God") instead because he thinks of himself as beautiful and powerful. He clearly has a strange sense of beauty.

山本 五十六 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Yamamoto Isoroku is the princess and the only survivor of the fallen Yamamoto House. She is loyal, strong-willed, and dedicated woman, very serious with her duties and with great courage. She appears to be very knowledgeable in archery and is one of the best archers throughout JAPAN. She wishes to revive her destroyed family, which is the main plot of her own Route in Sengoku Rance.

(From AliceSoft Wiki)

原 昌示 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

The gentle ruler of the Hara house, who is loved by the population. However, he doesn't have any confidence in his looks or ability. He has several concubines and did not intend to get married, but strangely enough, Akihime became his bride. He fell deeply in love with her and does whatever she says, without listening to anyone else's opinions.

原 阿樹 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Married to the Hara house in a political marriage of convenience. She loathes her homely husband, Shouji, and is always making up excuses to not sleep with him. She loves luxury and spending money, and eats up the Hara house's fortune rapidly. She isn't a wicked person by nature, but is simply a selfish princess who is ignorant of the ways of the world.

犬飼 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

The young head of the ninja house Iga. He fights to protect the social status and rights of ninjas. His specialty is manipulating animals, especially dogs.

徳川 家康 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

The head of the Tokugawa house and a youkai that is top class in strength. He is unexpectedly timid and gets startled easily, but it is his dream to conquer the humans one day and make everyone wear tanuki suits. He has a very long life span compared to humans, so he waits patiently for his chance.

徳川 千 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

The princess of the former ruling household of Mikawa. Most of the warriors were afraid of Ieyasu and put on tanuki suits to serve the Tokugawa house as they were told. However, Ieyasu was frightened that Senhime might resist, and locked her in the dungeon.

Since she loves war so much, people call her "戦姫" (pronounced Senhime, but means "war princess").

She revealed to have been impregnated by Rance and later had his daughter, Tokugawa Tone./

種子島 重彦 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

A man who starts developing muskets after seeing Maria's special weapon, Tulip. He loves inventing new things and despite how blocky he is, he is human.

柚原 柚美 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

A member of the Tanegashima house who loves firearms and cute animals.

北条 早雲 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

The current head of the Houjou house. He works diligently to understand the various problems in Japan, and has a very strong sense of responsibility.

南条 蘭 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

The head of the Nanjou house. Several years ago, there was a test to decide on the common head of the diviner houses, and she lost to Souun by a large margin. Despite stubbornly hating to lose, she fell in love with him. Their love is mutual, but it hasn't been going well because of personality conflicts.

毛利 元就 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

The head of the Mouri house. His lifespan was halved after getting cursed by a youkai, but in return he became gigantic in size. Normally one would be anguished and try to undo the curse, but Motonari finds great joy in it. Since he's already so old and his lifespan has been halved, he can die at any moment, but for the time being he's happy so he doesn't care. He enjoys battle.

毛利 てる (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

The eldest daughter of Mouri Motonari. Like her sisters, she inherited her beauty from her mother, but her personality and strength from her father. She enjoys cleaning and is fastidious, but in the end, she's a brute as well.

吉川 きく (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

The second daughter of Mouri Motonari. Like her sisters, she inherited her beauty from her mother, but her personality and strength from her father. She was sent to a foreign province as a bride, but in the end that province was captured by the Mouri house, so she returned. She enjoys cooking and is dainty, but in the end, she's a brute as well.

小早川 ちぬ (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

The third daughter of Mouri Motonari. Like her sisters, she inherited her beauty from her mother, but her personality and strength from her father. She was sent to a foreign province as a bride, but in the end that province was captured by the Mouri house, so she returned. She's very gentle with men, but in the end, she's a brute as well.

大道寺 小松 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

One of the Houjou house's commanders. She's a popular idol and likes Souun.

性眼 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

A high priest who is currently the head of the Tenshi sect. In preparation for the nearing revival of the demon Xavier, he trains day and night. He carries a demon scythe.

言裏 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

A monk of the Tenshi sect. His temple is small and he isn't very serious. He's come into contact with Rance in the past.

武田 信玄 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

The head of the Takeda house, excelling in tactics, resourcefulness, and virtue. However, it is heard that almost no one has ever seen his face.

山県 昌景 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

One of the four leading generals of the Takeda house. He is unshakeable like a mountain, with fortitude and vigor. He is the essence of the entire Takeda army.

真田 透琳 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

One of the four leading generals of the Takeda house. He is peaceful like a forest, and always calm and collected. He excels at strategy.

馬場 彰炎 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

One of the four leading generals of the Takeda house. He is aggressive like a blazing fire. He is the strongest warrior in the Takeda army.

高坂 義風 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

One of the four leading generals of the Takeda house. He is swift in his movements like the wind. Nicknamed a "strong gale", he has the greatest patience in the Takeda army.

名取 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

The representative of the Miko Institution. She used to be a healing miko, but for certain reasons could not be offered as a sacrifice to Orochi. Instead, she now offers the sacrifices for the sake of Japan and grieves at heart.

玉籤 風華 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

A miko that often visits Nobunaga's tea house. She has some sort of connection to the Miko Institute, but cannot remember her past due to her memory loss. As a battle miko, she was scouted by Rance early on and became part of the Oda house.

島津 ヨシヒサ (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

The ruler of Shimazu. Calm and collected when toying with women.

アギレダ (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

The brave princess of a certain tribe. The Shimazu brothers trick her to toy with her, but with good intentions.

黒姫 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

The only child to successfully be born after Xavier impregnated many women during his previous revival. She has the power to break any seal, and will remain eternally young. She presently lives as a guest in the Shimazu house, and all four brothers adore her, having called her "Kuro-neechan" since they were kids.

明石 風丸 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

The youngest child and current head of the Akashi house. He survived the previous war only because he was instructed to watch the house rather than fight. He would be a fine commander if he'd had a few more years to grow. Unfortunately, the province is in a state of chaos due to losing all of its prominent commanders, and the burden is too heavy on him.

火鉢 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

An artificial life form called Nuhe. The Akashi house used them often in the past, but now they are sealed and hidden away.

今川 義元 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

An imagawayaki chef. In order to pass through the Hanny-infested Toukaidou, he wore a hanny costume. Unfortunately, he was seized by the hannies and made into their king. If anyone found out that there was a human inside the Hanny King, he would be executed, so he lives every day in constant fear.

今川 あんこ (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Yoshimoto's daughter. She worries about him a lot.

朝倉 義景 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

The head of the Asai Asakura house. Even though he never killed a man in battle, he seized power by driving men into *******. Politics are his forte and he wishes to win battles without war. Since he manipulates political marriages, he has many children (at least 20), and has currently sent out his first 8 sons as spies.

朝倉 雪 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

A princess famous for being the most beautiful girl on the north shore of Japan. She's popular with the people for being kind-hearted, and they - along with her father, siblings, and country - are all precious to her. Yoshikage cherishes her, and doesn't manipulate her for political purposes like he does with his other children. He wants her to marry a wonderful man who is worthy of being his future heir as the ruler of Japan.

見当 かな (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

One of Lia's personal ninjas, she does all the dirty or secret jobs that Lia orders her to do. While seemingly apathetic from the outside, Kanami is actually very concerned with her ability as a ninja. It's implied that she is always training by herself to hone her skills. She longs to be a normal girl, but that's an impossible dream. Lia ordered her to keep tabs on Rance, a job that she hates since she also hates him.

She later fell in love with Rance and gave birth to his daughter, Kentou Uzume./

ウルザ・プラナアイス (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Former leader of Ice Flame.

エリナ (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Erina is a monster girl tamer and the daughter of the famous monster girl tamer Bastal Batch. When she discovers that Leo was dragged off to Squid Paradise to rescue the monster girls there from Baron Squid she goes there herself with her loyal monster girl Tenten. She competes with Leo for the monster girls and will capture them herself if he's too slow.

Late in the game she's captured by Baron Squid and held captive until she agrees to sign a contract to lose her humanity and become a monster girl./

マリア・カスタード (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

One of the Four Witches of Kathtom who was saved by Rance during the events of Rance II. As an apprentice of Ragishss she specialized in water magic, yet lost her ability to use magic after Rance took her virginity although makes up for it through her technical prowess.

She is the inventor of the Tulip series of weapons and has always had an interest in weapons development. Her continued efforts have caused Kathtom to become the most technological city on the Continent and the use of her weapons have previously determined the outcome of wars such as the liberation of Leazas.

She is also a close friend to her fellow witch, Masou Shizuka, as they were studying magic together and being taught by the same person, Ragishss.

AliceSoft Wiki

魔想 志津香 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

A powerful magic user who was one of the Four Witches of Kathtom. According to her teacher, Ragishss, Shizuka had the greatest talent of the four and was considered the strongest among his students.

With the additional power gained from her ring, she became even stronger than Ragishss Cryhausen, whom she ended up killing during her betrayal. She is very concerned with her father's death. Ever since Rance stopped her from altering the past during the events of the Kathtom Incident, she has been trying to find her father's killer in order to seek revenge./

Despite the fact that Shizuka is one of ten girls who are fated for Rance, she hates Rance and will always try to kick him away whenever possible. But it appears that she still have some kind of soft spot for him, albeit often misused by the latter.

She was living with her best friend, Maria, as they were studying magic together and had a similar interest in magic, with Maria being on development side, and Shizuka on the research side.

From url=https://alicesoft.fandom.com/wiki/Shizuka_MasouAliceSoft Wiki

レイラ・グレクニー (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Leila is the leader of the Royal Guards of Leazas, entirely composed of female soldiers.
Leila is an elite fighter. She won the female division of swordsmanship championships of Leazas at the age of 14, and won 7 following consecutive years. She used to consider allowing only strong men to sleep with her, and has had sex with her sword master Jiba at age of 16 and warrior named Kobayashi at age of 20. However, ever since she realized her feelings towards Rick, she has been restraining herself. She's also encouraged others to confess before, saying that they have to take the chance now that they are young.

She's usually very depressed after losing and drowns her sorrows in alcohol. She likes drinking but only takes it too far when she's depressed. When she's drunk she tends to do things that normally would embarrass her, but luckily she forgets everything the following day.

From url=http://alicesoft.wikia.com/wiki/Leila_GrecniAliceSoft Wiki

ミリ・ヨークス (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

First appearing in Rance II, she is Mill Yorks' older sister. Milli appears as both a tough warrior and glamourous girl in daily life but she also can be quite affectionate at times, especially when it comes to her sister, Mill, even to the extent that she dares to enter a dangerous labyrinth just for her.

She has a massive appetite for sex and, needless to say, gets along with Rance well because of it (though he doesn't like the fact that she's always the one dominating him when they're at it). She's also bisexual. She lives primarily as an adventurer and warrior but somehow also runs a pharmacy with her sister.

Her file in Kichikuou Rance says: "Most of her subordinates, whether man or woman, have been raped by her. Possibly because of that, she has good leadership over them. People tend to call her unit Queen Milli and her slaves".

AliceSoft Wiki

カオス (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Chaos is one of the only two swords on The Continent that can harm Dark Lords and the Demon King by going through their invincibility fields.

He is currently Rance's partner, and a counterpart to his old comrade the Holy Sword Nikkou.

AliceSoft Wiki

リズナ・ランフビット (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Rizna Lanfbitt is a magician residing in Zeth, under the personal care of King Gandhi. She is a childhood friend of him and the two were pretty closed when they were in the Magic Academy, but their relationship was cut off when she was kidnapped and trapped in the Genbu Castle, in an alternate dimension where time stops.

Despite her seemingly happy and easy going personality, Rizna hides a troubled and tragic past from the time she spent in the Genbu Castle. Trapped with no escape along with many others unlucky enough to share her misfortune, her naive demeanor led her to be used by many men for her body several times, and over time, she was almost lost to insanity before meeting the Puchi Hanny Kagekatsu. Feeling sorry for her, he stayed and helped her, healing Rizna's heart over a period of many years. He also taught her how to fight and use the naginata.

AliceSoft Wiki

アリスちゃん (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

The official mascot of Alice Soft. A polite young girl who often communicates with the player as a medium in some Alice Soft games. She sometimes represent marketing upcoming Alice Soft games in trailers and advertisements.

She is accompanied by her pet black crow named Yukichi.

魔窟堂 野武彦 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Goro's mentor

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【PC/汉化】战国兰斯 / 戦国ランス



