【PC/汉化】兰斯5D 孤单的女孩子 / ランス5D -ひとりぼっちの女の子-

【PC/汉化】兰斯5D 孤单的女孩子 / ランス5D -ひとりぼっちの女の子-





ランス5D -ひとりぼっちの女の子- (兰斯5D 孤单的女孩子)

发行日期: 2002-10-25 | 限制级: 是 | 开发商: AliceSoft

战士Rance,他忠实的奴隶Sill Plain和他不那么忠实的宠物Athena 2.0在Rance花光了他们所有的钱之后外出冒险赚钱。他们的旅行将他们带到了一个神秘的洞穴,在那里他们三人都迷路了。Rance成功地与Sill重逢,并且因为被卡住而焦躁不安,对雅典娜的幸福漠不关心,试图离开洞穴,却发现自己在这个过程中变得更加迷失。

两人短暂地遇到了兰斯的长期对手伯德·利思菲,后者已经开始与科潘顿·多特(Copandon Dott)约会,后者是一个痴迷于寻找一个拥有好运的男人的女孩。在一起寻找传说中的“乐土”的旅途中,这对夫妇也被困在了山洞里。兰斯试图从伯德身边偷走科潘顿,但被拒绝了,因为科潘顿认为伯德是她寻找的“大幸运儿”。

接着,兰斯和西尔跌跌撞撞地来到了一个神秘的小镇,这里居住着各种各样的奇怪生物。在这个小镇里,两人得知他们无意中进入了Genbu城堡,这是一个时间静止不动的袖珍空间,从这里逃脱似乎是不可能的。被再也不能参与到外面世界的女人的想法吓坏了,兰斯很快开始寻找出路。一路上,他成了里兹娜·兰夫比特(Rizna Lanfbitt)的目标,一个神秘的女人试图操纵他,让他协助她独自离开根布城堡。兰斯当即被丽兹娜的美貌所吸引,同意帮助丽兹娜,希望最终能够与她发生性关系。

与此同时,伯德和科潘顿发现了一个藏宝箱,里面装着一个罕见的女孩怪物Lil Avenger,她是一个刺客大师,谁发现她,谁就消灭谁。在伯德无意中告诉她要把目标对准兰斯之后,女怪物开始了她无情的追求,想要夺走他的生命。





ランス (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Protagonist of the Rance series.

A warrior affiliated with the Keith Guild; when he's short on cash, he takes jobs from them. Most of the time, though, he simply travels around having adventures of his own accord, accompanied by his slave, Sill.

His goal in life is to assemble a harem consisting of all the hot women in the world and live it up.

Recently, though, he's taken it into his head to "conquer" the princesses of each of the four main kingdoms in the world - Ria from Leazas, Magic from Zeth, Kouhime from JAPAN, and Siera from Helman. At the moment, he's managed to snag Lia and Magic, with Kouhime being on hold for a few years until she grows up a little more.

Because of this recent pursuit, he's ended up heavily involved with events of historic significance in Leazas, Zeth, and JAPAN, with Helman next in line.

シィル・プライン (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Sill is a slave purchased by the great adventurer Rance in the year LP0001 prior to the events of Rance 01. Rance purchased her for 15,000 GOLD and has been forced to travel alongside him wherever he goes since then. However, Sill developed strong romantic feelings for him and, even though the "Absolute Obedience Magic" once cast on her has long since worn off, she remains single-mindedly loyal to Rance regardless. She was originally from a rich family in Zeth but under "certain circumstances" ended up in the slave market sold to Rance.

She is capable of using both offensive and healing magic, in addition to the creation of magic barriers. She is also known to have a large knowledge of worldly culture and history, as well as an understanding of many creatures. This is apparently due to her studying from a wide variety of books at a young age due to her origins from a noble family.

From the url=http://alicesoft.wikia.com/wiki/SillAliceSoftWiki

フェリス (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Ferris is originally a 6th Class Devil, currently binded by contract with Rance. Ever since meeting the latter, she experienced misfortunes and was demoted several times. Mainly providing service in battlefield and in bed, she also serves as Rance's personal informant and as events occur, provides important information that would otherwise be unbeknownst to him.

From url=https://alicesoft.fandom.com/wiki/FelissAliceSoftWiki

あてな2号 (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Created by Frostvine using magic and the essence of a devil and angel, Athena 2.0 is an orange-haired organic magical android that serves as a pet to Rance.


バード・リスフィ (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Bird Lithfie is an adventurer with horrendous luck who has crossed paths with Rance far more times than he'd like to. He is a polite young man with a gentle face, giving him a kind and heroic appearance.

AliceSoft Wiki

リズナ・ランフビット (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

Rizna Lanfbitt is a magician residing in Zeth, under the personal care of King Gandhi. She is a childhood friend of him and the two were pretty closed when they were in the Magic Academy, but their relationship was cut off when she was kidnapped and trapped in the Genbu Castle, in an alternate dimension where time stops.

Despite her seemingly happy and easy going personality, Rizna hides a troubled and tragic past from the time she spent in the Genbu Castle. Trapped with no escape along with many others unlucky enough to share her misfortune, her naive demeanor led her to be used by many men for her body several times, and over time, she was almost lost to insanity before meeting the Puchi Hanny Kagekatsu. Feeling sorry for her, he stayed and helped her, healing Rizna's heart over a period of many years. He also taught her how to fight and use the naginata.

AliceSoft Wiki

アリスちゃん (暂无译名)

CV: 暂无

The official mascot of Alice Soft. A polite young girl who often communicates with the player as a medium in some Alice Soft games. She sometimes represent marketing upcoming Alice Soft games in trailers and advertisements.

She is accompanied by her pet black crow named Yukichi.

由 月幕OpenAPI & HikarinagiAPI 驱动 | 游戏ID: 11878
数据来源:月幕Galgame - 美少女游戏档案 | 反馈错误(反馈时请附带游戏ID)

图片[2] - 【PC/汉化】兰斯5D 孤单的女孩子 / ランス5D -ひとりぼっちの女の子- - Hikarinagi
图片[3] - 【PC/汉化】兰斯5D 孤单的女孩子 / ランス5D -ひとりぼっちの女の子- - Hikarinagi
图片[4] - 【PC/汉化】兰斯5D 孤单的女孩子 / ランス5D -ひとりぼっちの女の子- - Hikarinagi
【PC/汉化】兰斯5D 孤单的女孩子 / ランス5D -ひとりぼっちの女の子- - Hikarinagi
【PC/汉化】兰斯5D 孤单的女孩子 / ランス5D -ひとりぼっちの女の子-



